This Azalea was a gift to Joe from a teacher friend of his. It has remained small ever since I've lived here...7 yrs. Hasn't bloomed very well, hit by frost a few times and then two years ago...we discovered that it was almost
completely uprooted. It's roots were basically out of the ground. We knew that it wouldn't survive without some emergency care. Joe dug it totally out of the ground and we found that the root system hadn't even grown. It was still in the same condition as when he planted it. We decided to scratch the roots and loosen them. We amended the soil and mixed some nutrients in and plopped her back into the hole. Said a little prayer...She survived the winter and last Spring she bloomed a little, but this year...whoa..she was spectacular. Full of blooms. That just shows what a little nurturing can do. Just like our children...if we paid no attention to them, they wouldn't flourish, but pay attention to them and praise them a bit...they will grow beyond measure.

Now she is losing her blooms and will have a deserved rest. We will feed her and keep her watered all throughout the hot summer and hope for a wonderful show next Spring.
Thank you, brought us joy. Now waiting in the wings...another beauty is just filling up with leaves and tight
blossoms. She has a place by our deck. She doesn't get a lot of sun, but just enough to keep her blooming. This purple lilac will spread her fragrance all over our deck. The wonderful fragrance will come in the patio doors and flood the house with her scent. She will provide many bouquets to grace our table. I love lilacs...that's why I planted one in the woods border...

There are always flowers waiting in the wings. It seems that they just patiently wait their turn....or maybe they want the spotlight once again. What's waiting in the wings at your house?
1 comment:
Your azalea bush has so many blooms it looks like one giant bloom. So pretty.Scratching her roots did good.
Your lilacs are just blooming and mine are now blowing away on the winds. It was so beautiful this year. I am sure your will smell divine too.
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