Each month... many of us post a picture of a bouquet that we make from our own gardens. This was started by Noelle at http://www.azplantlady.com/ . This is my bouquet for April's MGB...monthly garden bouquet. I took some Azalea blooms and cut a piece off my Redbud tree and also a piece from my Crabapple...I put the bouquet in an old granite pitcher and it sits on my dining room table. So far, my flowers have been a little scarce in my yard. I've had to be very creative and use just a few flowers. In the coming months, I hope to have more flowers to work with. Why don't you visit Noelle's blog and see what everyone has contributed.
That looks so nice...soon you will have so much more to choose from.
Hello Balisha,
I love how creative you are with your bouquets, using what you have on hand. I love the rhododendrons and the pitcher is just the perfect container.
Thank you very much for participating!
Very pretty!
Now that makes up a beautiful bouquet Balisha. Bringing that fragrance indoor too.
The azalea, redbud & crabapple blooms look lovely together;-)
I love how you used the Redbud branch mixed with the Azalea. The colors and shapes of the blooms look really pretty together.
Hello Balisha :) Those purples together are just lovely - the whole combination makes for a very elegant display!
Hi Balisha - nice to "meet" you and your blog! Just joined this meme! (a little late). I really like the color and the branches in this bouquet- I think you picked the right vase, too!
I love to make garden bouquets. I have never made one with my azeleas (probably because my bush is still quite small). I think you bouquet is quite wonderful.
I am going over to check out the others right now.
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