I'm planning ahead for less work in the garden this year. I always think that I have room for just one more plant. I like my gardens full. I have 3 "full" gardens...and they are very little work at all. The weeds are not a problem and the ones that do survive this crowding...are spindly and can be pulled easily. Then there is the border around the house. It's another story. There are evergreens and hostas planted ever so often and big spaces in between. I am just now finishing the job of cleaning up those areas. Grass and weeds get in the mulch and make it hard to keep tidy. I wish that I could grow plants closer together to make less work in these areas. I hate to use something that will kill the grass and weeds...so I do it all by hand. There is a time coming that I will not be able to do this and I may have to resort to another way. This year I am selecting plants that don't require dead heading. Dead heading is cutting off the spent blooms to keep the plant flowering. I have pinched off the dead petunia blossoms...it seems forever. We selected shrubbery that will stay small and not require much pruning. Our other shrubs had to be trimmed each year...sometimes twice a year. All this gardening wouldn't be possible without my trusty green chairs. I have 3 and keep them at hidden places along the way. They aren't very attractive and are cast offs from Joe's son. He didn't want them...so I brought them home. They are faded and worn, but are just the right height for me to sit down on... and weed. I have a knee that gives me fits, when I use a low gardening stool. Just by accident, I used one of these chairs last year and it worked great. I am tall, so I can use a higher seat. They are lightweight and I just toss them in my lawn cart and travel around the yard. I may look like a character in my gardening clothes...pulling a lawn cart full of essentials...but hey, I get the job done.
That's a good idea, I'll have to try weeding from my old green chair. I use an old fashioned hoe a lot. No bending over and I don't even have to go very far into the garden to reach the weeds. Used to have a hoe with a pointed blade, great for dandelions and deep rooted weeds.
Have you tried the new Wave petunias? I haven't but everyone says they are great and never need deadheading. Thought I would try a few this year.
Weeding!!! one of my favorite things to do...NOT but we all do it. I have a knee pad I use and an antique tool Toms Grandfather made years ago. Those old tools are the best. I hope I get to post this weekend I got some new stuff for the yard yesterday with my bread winning money!!! Have a great weekend!
I use a hoe too and my Japanese weeder. They don't work well in deep mulch.
I want to get a few Wave petunias this year...to fill in too.
Have a great weekend, Marnie.
I know what you mean girl about getting your garden beds in order so it will be more maintenance free. I work more and more on making the beds easier to handle for this old back and leg. I can get down easily enough(or just blunk) LOL! It is the getting back up and the back bending that gets me anymore.
Anything that helps us such as your trusty chair is just a good idea.
Understand all you share - my first Spring garden does not have the look "I want as of yet"
Computer problems - so many times I write a comment to you and then lose it.
I have a stool that Bob made for me but it is wobbly and not very comfortable. I need a trusty chair, too. I just bought some wave petunias. We will see how they work out. I hate weeding. I have several pine trees in a row in my yard and I just started planting stuff near them this year. I planted hostas and a ground cover. Have a great weekend.
Hi Lynn,
I watched the Pillsbury Bakeoff and thought of you...you should enter it sometime with one of your super recipes. Have a nice weekend.
Hi Lona,
I can work outside and my knee doesn't bother me...then I come in and it starts hurting...so I protect it anyway I can. Have a nice weekend.
Hi Judy and Ernestine,
I think that we always look to next year in our gardens. If I don't have too much weeding...I kind of like it. It is a mindless activity and I sit there and just do some serious thinking. I understand computer problems. They can be so frustrating, but how could we live without them?
Hope you both have a nice weekend.
Balisha, saving your back by using a chair to sit on is a good idea.
Hi Balisha! I'm still not done working on my 35th class reunion. Not long now. After the reunion I'm going to do lots of 'me' things. Hugs
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