Some of my most special, most peaceful times of my life have been spent in the garden....early in the morning while most everyone else is still sleeping - I am a morning person. Some of my closest talks with the Lord....have been right there, sitting in the dirt, pulling weeds or digging plants to move to a new location, planting seeds in hopes and dreams of what would grow from them. A favorite hymn comes to mind..."In The Garden" This hymn has come down through generations of women in my family. It brings tears during funerals. We can picture Grandma sitting at the piano playing this song and singing with my Aunt and Mom. Here are the words...are they familiar to you?
IN THE GARDEN...Words & Music: C. Austin Miles
I come to the garden alone While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear The Son of God discloses.
Refrain.. And He walks with me, and He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.
He speaks, and the sound of His voice,Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me Within my heart is ringing.
I’d stay in the garden with Him Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe His voice to me is calling.
We don't sing this song in my Catholic Church. We seem to sing the same songs over and over. Some that are so difficult to sing. Last night, for example, one of the songs was so difficult and with such high notes...no one was singing...just the piano and two male soloists. We all just mumbled along trying hard to follow the notes. I don't think that Catholic choir directors have much say in what they play or sing. Sometimes I think that we should be a little more open to beautiful music choices. I would like a more contemporary Mass...with guitar accompaniment for a change. This was tried and failed before I was a member there. This is just my opinion...I love beauty in music....music that can bring tears to my eyes.
I know how you feel. I play this song often on my piano and love it. It is one of my favorites. It was sung at my baby brothers funeral. He was two and a half when he died. The song has lots of meaning to me.
I know what you mean about the church. The music at our church is the same way.
I WILL wear the helmet...I promise!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
We sing that song in our church, Balisha. I love it too.
It is a beautiful hymn, Balisha, but one that has too many sad connotations for me, I think. I love spiritual songs that are up tempo and bright with hope. :)
This was my mother's favorite hymn. She would hum it while working and it was our lullaby at night. 35 years after her death, I still tear up when I hear it - but they are good tears. Thank you for the memory today.
I was surprised to see that hymn on your blog and that it was one of your favorites. I thought you were Catholic, but heck you know how it goes when we get a little older and all.
It is one of my favorite hymns, too. I was raised Methodist, but think that all of the rest of my family must have been Baptist. I bought an old hymnal at 1/2 price books a while back and the Methodist hymnal didn't have any songs I remembered.
I converted to Catholicism when I was 15, at least went to catecism classes. I was baptised om the Cathlolic church, but then I married and divorced. This was before Vatican II. When I'd been in the hospital once my husband put down that I was Catholic on the paperwork and a priest came to my home to visit after I was released. He told me he could get me an anullment, but it just didn't seem right to me, and my husband would never be Catholic.
So, I still love the hymns of my childhood and remember my grandmother playing "The Old Rugged Cross" on her upright piano, and I just don't worry about it anymore. God is in my heart and He knows me, and I have a book of songs about Him.
I think that this is a favorite hymn of many people. The melody and words are so wonderful.
I am a Catholic...but a fairly new one. I converted 7 yrs. ago. I was a Methodist before that. I still miss some of the old ways and traditions of the M. Church. Being a Catholic took some getting used to, but I finally can call St.Mary's home. Just wish they'd lighten up on the music.
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