My little wren is back. I was talking to my friend, Nancy, the other day...and asked if she had seen a wren in her yard. She said no...then in a day or two, she sent an email that she had heard one in her yard. Isn't it funny how we look forward to so many things in nature? The first wren, junco, crocus, redbud blooming, fall color, summer storm, rainbow, and yes the first snake all coiled up and sitting in the sun...I could go on and on. I was sitting on the bench last night and I heard that old familiar song of the wren. There was Jenny (I always call her that) flitting from tree to bluebird house. Yes...bluebird house. You see, she prefers this to the smaller houses that seem so right for her. She was unbuilding a nest that another bird had started. Plop, plop to the ground...all the debris, then up and down to the doorway taking that same debris into her new home. She was arranging it just like she wanted it. Kind of a wren spring cleaning. She saw me there and cocked her little head and scolded me....chi, chi, chi, chi...she went and flew into the tree. She must have been too close to the robin's nest, because there was a big commotion as the robin swooped down from above and dive bombed my little friend. She just flipped her tail and paid little attention to that much bigger bird. She just flew across the way to her new home and told the robin he'd have to deal with it. Love this sassy little bird.
I miss that. I had it in Bakersfield and Frank and I used to feed the bluebirds and watch them raise their young each year. I miss my life there sometimes.
What a cutie your Jenny is and I love that she doesn't let herself be chased out of the neighborhood.
I could live outside all day every day. I have started on the beds and began planting yesterday, hung the cute birdhouse I bought at a garage sale. It is somewhat like yours and I am hoping. I have a tiny "for sale" sign out...so far no takers. But you know how the enonomy has been! :):)
Little Jenny seems like many women I know, including myself who like to arrange things just so when moving into a new place :-)
I have some wrens in my birdhouse, too. They were here last year as well. I have a flower bed under the house and they just fuss and carry on every time I get near it. We had frost for two nights and I have been covering up flowers. Serves me right for planting so early I guess.
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