A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Day in the Sun, With Friends

Yesterday found me sitting on the front porch in the sun. It was a beautiful day and I was alone here at home. I looked around me and saw spider webs and littler in the corners and under the porch furniture, so I decided to do a bit of cleaning. I got out the leaf blower and blew those cobwebs away.Then I sat for a while. This little fellow came up out of a hole in the ground and just sat there looking at me. It was like he said, "Get to work, Balisha...stop lolly gagging." He scampered back down the hole as I got up to clean the porch railings. Before I knew it he was back. Just sitting there staring me down. The hummingbirds have left (or so I thought), so I took the feeders down and went in the house to clean them. Got that done and put them in the garage to dry. I grabbed the fall wreath and went back to the front porch. There he was...in the very same spot. I talked to him a little and then hung the wreath. Made a few trips to the basement with things and brought up the two pumpkins for the porch tables. Carried the houseplants in, but left the Christmas Cactus until it gets a good night's chill, so it will bloom. Finding room around the house for the plants that spent the summer outside is getting harder every year.They grow so big and really outgrow their spots on the tables. After the work was done a little hummingbird buzzed me...he came right up to my face as if to say, "Where's the juice?" I felt so bad that I had put it away, but hoped that he would forgive me and take off for warmer climes. The other fellow was still there. Then I realized what he wanted to tell me. His feeder was empty. So, another trip to the garage and over to fill his feeder. I came in the house really tired and sat at my computer desk. As I looked out the window, I saw the hummingbird buzzing the flowers under the bird feeder and up came my little friend the chipmunk to have his very late breakfast.


Pat said...

Cute little fellow...we have a stone wall and I see his MD cousins going in and out between the rocks after they run to the feeder and fill up their cheeks. Hope you're having another lovely day.

Judy said...

Lovely post--these days are so wonderful. I feel more energetic when it is cool outside.

Melanie said...

I love chipmunks...I think they're so cute. My cats love to watch them out the window as they scurry through the hostas and over the patio. Isn't this weather beautiful? Glad you're enjoying it.