This isn't my house, but doesn't it just say fall and comfort to you? I pass it everytime I go to Walmart. There it sits on the corner of a sleepy little town. What do you suppose is in that house? Let's use our imaginations. I would think that this little house is full of country. Wonderful cozy furniture that you just sink into. Worn slipcovers of a soft color. A well used rocker in the corner.Maybe a little fireplace in the den...books everywhere in baskets and on shelves. Candles with delicious scents would be burning....even if it's daytime. A knitting basket on the floor with hand knit socks just started.Candy dishes filled with a favorite candy....lemon drops. Braided rugs, worn but still usable on the floors. Maybe white cottage curtains at the windows. The kitchen might be full of old timey utensils. A tea kettle whistling to say that tea is ready. The table set for two...with quilted placemats and a bouquet of colorful fall flowers, dishes of blue and white. A tea caddy to hold teas of every kind. My favorite...chamomile. Wedges of lemon studded with whole cloves would be on a favorite old dish with a chip... in the center of the table. Molasses cookies sprinkled with sugar in a basket...warm from the oven. An apron, hanging on a hook with lots of pockets.Another hook holding a gardening jacket...of worn denim. On the counter is a big yellow ware bowl filled with a yeasty mixture for baking bread. The bread pans all greased and ready. A cat curled up in the corner near the stove. The windows would be bare except for a valance...so that bird watching is easy. An old wooden feeder hangs just outside the window, so you can watch the birds while you eat. The bird book...handy on the shelf...with binoculars. Window sills with cuttings from coleus to pot up and keep for next year's garden. I won't go any farther in the house....just the rooms that are open to company. As I leave, I open the front door and the wreath with dried corn... brushes my shoulder. I walk down the old stone steps and notice the cottage garden with it's roses and mums...just starting to fade. I get to my car and drive away. I hope that whoever lives in this house is as happy as the little house makes me when I pass.
a setting i would love to own...
What a wonderful dream house! Love it just as you describe!
Wish I lived there--just as you described.
Balisha, what a wonderful visit.
Much in this little home is in this home and was in the old farm house. Love it...
Tell me about the wedge of lemon with cloves. I always used the whole lemon.
Have a wonderful Friday...
Thankyou all...for your wonderful comments. They are one of the reasons I keep blogging.
That sounds like my perfect dream home Balisha. I've never been big on big houses - too much to clean and maintain, and overkill unless there's a big family to fill all those big rooms. Cozy, warm, comfortable, and filled with personal touches and momentos - your imagination of what's inside that little house, right down to the blue and white dishes sounds just perfect to me.
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