A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wake Up Mr. Mole....Audra's Here

I just came in from outside. I have been in the house all day...making a roast chicken for dinner. We ate dinner and I cleaned up and took a bag of garbage out to the garage. I noticed it was very warm, when I opened the garage door. I couldn't believe how warm it was. 75 deg....weather that I have been waiting for and I spent most of the day in the house :( I decided to pick up some branches around the River Birch...(messy tree) and take them back to my big pile of branches in the woods. The neighbors were out installing a new pump for the pond. I heard a little voice and there behind me was...Audra. She had been sick yesterday and today looked a little pale, but that didn't stop her. She was cartwheeling across my yard and talking up a storm. We sat on the bench for awhile and then she suggested that we stomp on the mole trails that are all over the lawn...back by the woods. Her family looked at us like we were crazy, till I explained what we were doing. Audra always likes to stomp on those trails and wake the mole up. We imagined that he was scurrying around underground...awakened by the noise from above. This girl is full of energy and energizes me too. We sat awhile longer and talked about what we are going to do this summer. She and her family will go to Florida for the third time. I was tired by now and told her that I was going to go in. She kept stomping and we said our usual, "See you later alligator."


acorn hollow said...

We have those little trails but we call them voles they are blind and go for the grubs that are in the grass. they make a mess of your lawn. Glad you got out to enjoy part of the day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Balisha,
Charming description of a sunny afternoon. You have a beautiful new banner on your blog. Thanks for visiting my site. I'm resting for the moment, but intend to start again soon. Take care. Have fun.

Balisha said...

Hi Cathy...I have always heard that moles are meat eaters and voles eat vegetation. We have grubs in our lawn and I think the moles are eating them.They stay way back by the woods, so we haven't done anything to get rid of them...yet.
Whether they are moles or voles...they sure can make a mess out of the lawn. Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Carolyn,
I have loved your wonderful posts and missed them when you stopped.I was fascinated with your use of crayons and thought...how original. Now with your switch to watercolors, I'm wanting to follow more. I am trying them too. I just bought the book...Watercolors for Dummies...that may help this old brain :)Please come back soon...Balisha

Balisha said...

Carolyn...As you can see...I listed you in my favorite blogs..that way I can check to see if you are back quickly. Balisha

Anonymous said...

My yard used to be full of those trails until I bought this thing at Lowe's that you stick down in the ground and it vibrates. It runs on 3 batteries and lasted for two years on the first 3 batteries before I had to replace them. It works like a charm!

Sue said...

Balisha- I have woods all around me so the moles love to tunnel under my lush lawn! I am due once again for spring treatment- my lawn co. has a pest control dept. The guy uses Teprid to kill them. Works wonders, as I HATE those raised tunnels! They apply once a year and I have no more issues. :-) I tried many things before I had luck with this solution. Vibrations, smoke, poison pellets- nothing worked til this.