We really enjoyed the concert last night. A band entertained before Willie came on stage. They got the crowd going and by the time they were finished...people were chanting Willie's name. Then here he came walking on stage...a mild mannered, scruffy looking man with a hole in his famous guitar. He did all his famous songs with audience members raising their arms and singing along. Shouts from the audience...
We love you Willie....Willie you're the man..seemed to make him joyous. You could tell that he loves performing.The crowd knew all the words to the songs. We had wonderful seats and people kept going up and down the aisle for just the right picture with their cameras and phones. He tossed out his famous
bandannas to the girls in front. My daughter in law doesn't like him. We talked about the concert in the afternoon and she was kidding us about our taste in music. Joe and I love all kinds of music from opera to Willie.We still like to have fun. Not a stuffy old couple in the least. Maybe that's what keeps us "youthful" We thought it appropriate for us to call her during the performance, so she could enjoy the music too. We held the phone up and let her listen a couple of times during the show. We had a message from her when we got home. She sent us some "classy" music to listen to on the phone. We had a lot of fun with her about this. Willie's beginning to show his age and has changed his way of singing somewhat. He talks the words in some of the songs and doesn't sing the melody like he used to. He has had carpal tunnel surgery, but that doesn't stop him from playing the guitar beautifully. His musicians just take a minute out of the show and watch him play...he's so good.I guess you either love him or hate him. It was fun watching people react to him and noting the difference in the way... who the performer is... and how the audience behaves. The usual sedate Coronado crowd "got down" last night....let their hair down...so to speak. The tickets were expensive but....personally, I think that we experienced an American music icon last night.
American music icon for sure!
He certainly is an icon...I've seen him a couple of times in concert and with Kris Kristofferson, way back when. Love his voice.
My girls have both done the phone thing curing concerts, most notably at two Paul McCartney concerts.
I love the new look of your blog...I'm sorry my visiting has been so sporadic, but I've had a few annoying health issues to deal with lately (nothing horribly serious!) and have been in a bit of a funk. I hope to make the rounds more often...and thank you for your continued visits and comments. I appreciate them so much.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time -- just the experience of seeing an American icon was probably worth the price.
I love Willie also. I bet you did have fun... Wish I were there.
Willie is truly an American icon. I am so glad you all had such a good time. I know it was a wonderful concert. I absolutely love Willie!I have a bunch of his CD's. He has a new one coming out the end of this month I think with Norah Jones. Do you know who she is? I love her, too, and I bet they are great together.
Willie sure is an American icon. Listening to him singing live On the Road Again was an unforgettable moment. The best thing about Willie is that he has his own special outlaw country style and still he can perform with many different artists such as Norah Jones and the music is great!
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