It's still dark outside and I hear the lonely sounds of our three mourning doves. I know that they are sitting on my deck railing...with one balancing on the swaying bird feeder. I often see them on the peak of the roof across the street. Always in the same place. Now I often hear birds singing in the dark... waking up early once it is near spring. It seems that we humans waken early too....our bodies are stirring with the anticipation of getting out there and digging the soil for a new beginning for our gardens. We've been hibernating for the winter...now is the time to lift the leafy mulch out of our beds...like taking the down comforter off the bed we sleep in. We take the leaves off, ever so gently, leaving them in a pile nearby, in case of frost. Our down is lying at the bottom of our bed, to pull up if we get cold during the night. It seems that we are like plants in another way. We step out on the porch with the first taste of spring, to check the weather...do we need our favorite old gardening jacket, should we chance it and wear just a sweatshirt? The little sprouts in our gardens push up just a little to test the weather. If it's too chilly they just stay as they are, but on a beautiful warm day, like yesterday, they shoot up and take a chance. Spring has given us just a tease...one day warm then the next chilly again. We are still under the down and our tiny sprouts are nested snug in their leafy bed. When will Spring come?
What a charming post, Balisha! Love it!
It was 77 degrees here today and I have killed myself in the yard. It is 4:30 in the afternoon and I already had my shower and got my pj's on. I am so sore I can barely move. I always over do it in the spring. I raked leaves, picked up sticks, ran the mower over all the leaves, moved rocks, etc., etc, etc. Have a great weekend.
This is such a tricky time of the year, even in my area it can be iffy with the weather. :)
Lovely, Balisha! I've taken advantage of these past two days to clean up half the flowerbeds. I wanted to make sure the new little bulbs weren't smothered by the thick coverlet of oak leaves. But...I hope I don't regret that--I know that spring can be pretty fickle in March and April. It sure felt good to be outside, though, seeing the new green growth and listening to the birds.
A great post Balisha...You have beautifully written how I actually feel. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.
Yesterday was too windy for me to work in the yard. I'd love to see if the mower will start though so I could mulch the leaves. Unfortunately, it's pouring down rain. Now I don't know what I will do.
I'm glad you got some of your yard work done though.
Balisha, lovely thoughts. I am not sure what I am doing day to day. Today was a work day in the garden, lots of things that will affect my back and legs.
We have a pair of mourning doves who make their home outside our bedroom. I love listening to them call to each other... I wish that Mother Nature would stop teasing us with off and on again warm weather. I long for warmer days and lots of sunshine. :-)
~ Sue
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