I was just out cutting the spent spired blooms on my perennial salvias. When my daughter was here, I said, "Isn't that just about the most perfect plant?" It looks so tidy all through the spring and summer. It really tolerates my all sun location and is the perfect backdrop for pink flowers. Our salvias in the Mary Garden and getting huge. They were planted in the front and now are shielding the roses and other flowers behind. We will have to make some changes there next year. Here is some info on this tough plant that is referred to as perennial sage sometimes.
The salvia is a plant to place in full sun and requires well drained soil. Place the salvia in borders and rock gardens as they require little care. You can keep salvias blooming longer in the summer season by deadheading them when the flowers are spent. For floppy plants, cut the blooms and the stalks and flowers will come back stronger and sturdier. When the center of the plant becomes open and floppy, it is time to divide them. Divide the salvia in the spring being sure to cut out the dead center and replanting the remaining pieces. These flowers will bloom from June through September and really require little care to maintain.
I don't think that the Japanese Beetles like this plant. A plus for my flower beds.
On a more serious note....We found out yesterday that Joe will need back surgery. He has to have a adenosine stress test for blockages next week and then surgery will be scheduled for July. Our summer will be spent getting him back to normal... without back pain. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Balisha
I adore perennial Salvias, my garden wouldn't be complete without these hardy long blooming plants! Beautiful photos today. :)
I love Salvias too. They have such a pretty form and the flowers are just beautiful. I will keep Joe (and you) in my prayers.
PS. Thank you very much for your kind comments.
beautiful! sorry about joe, i will add you both to my prayers
I will keep Joe (and you) in my prayers. Your garden sounds and looks wonderful. I have to keep remembering this is my first Spring garden. Last year at this time my woods home was being completed. Take care. Fondly, One Woman aka Jamie's mom!
I will put you and Joe on my prayer list, Balisha.
Thankyou all for your prayers. You can follow my journal about his back surgery on my new blog.This is going to be a long summer and I thought the best way to keep track of things would be to write it down. If we share this maybe we can help someone else who's going through the same thing.
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