Well, here I am....late in the afternoon on Thursday. Joe got a call from the spine clinic and will go in tomorrow. I hope that they have some answers for him. He just can't find a place to be comfortable.
I worked most of the day. This morning I pulled out...yes pulled out some daisies that had taken over a flower bed. They were everywhere and were hiding things that were starting to bloom. I love the little flower, but enough is enough. One or two clumps would be nice. After I pulled them out I tidied up the bed and moved on to the woods. This year has been like no other. The woodsy plants are huge and so are the weeds. The weeds are starting to win the battle back there. I may have to let that area go next year. There comes a time, when we just lose the battle. I pulled my wheelbarrow up to the house and decided to clean the front porch. Little Audra came over and said, "Whatcha doin'?" I told her what I was about to do. She wanted to help, bless her heart. I filled the bucket with a pinesol mixture and tossed in two rags. I told her to start at one end and I would start at the other and we would meet in the middle. That little girl just worked along with me and did such a good job. She said, "I was really tired, when I came over...all that weed pulling at home." I got the cobwebs down with my old vacuum cleaner. She giggled and said that she was thinking about the bugs having a party in the vacuum cleaner bag. I was thinking that maybe it wasn't so smart to use the vacuum...bugs could get in the house. I'll have to get rid of that bag. We talked about all kinds of things, storms, bible school, garage sales, vacations etc. She sat there, when we were finished, looking dreamy. "What are you thinking of, Audra?" She said without hesitation....."Icecream." I told her that I just happened to have a brand new box of icecream bars in the freezer. I thanked her for helping me and gave her one. She sat on the porch and waved it to her brother. "Lucky!!" he said. She said, "You have to help out if you want one." I tried to give him one, but he wouldn't take it. These little kids don't know how much they help me. They have so much energy and are closer to the ground.
I am glad that you dropped by for a visit. i just hate to pull up extra plants but I alway have to do this because when I plant seeds I always sew them to thick.
Audra is such a little cutie pie. I bet she loves coming to help you out and getting ice cream. I know what you mean about the weeds. They are taking over my yard. I spent all morning pulling and cutting weeds. I had this big thing growing in my flower bed and my son swore it was a squash plant. I thought it might be a weed but let it grow to see if it bloomed or what. This morning it had big flowers open up all up and down the thing. It is a hollyhock! I think I scattered some seeds about 2 years ago. I can't wait to show it to my son.lol.
She is so cute! Glad you had a good helper. I love how she was thinking about ice cream. Always a good thing. :)
What a lovely, sweet post Balisha. It's wonderful Audra and her brother are being raised with a sense of responsibility and a willingness to help their neighbors.
Hi all,
This little girl brings sunshine into our home.She is a willing helper...she loved the scent of Pine Sol. She rings our bell everyday and stays for just a few minutes. When she sees a friend...it's "See you later, Alligator."
It's nice that your little neighbor is so helpful. I'm sure she is good company, little girls are so chatty. ;)
What a great little helper to have! My oldest grandson is almost to that age of helping. I can't wait, he has no idea what he is in for! I always loved working alongside my girls, they learned so much that way. What a blessing you are to her also!
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