The morning started out COLD!!! Twenty four degrees...to be exact. I thought we were done with cold weather. Joe didn't have to go to the Grotto...so he was here to do odd jobs around the house. I took him out to the woods (sounds naughty doesn't it?) along with his shovel. Before breakfast he had dug three holes for the new shrubs and tree. We put them in the ground and watered them in. I'm hoping for rain...occasionally...so I don't have to lug water back there. Joe took down the old sign that has been up there for seven years. I'm going to make a new one. I tied the clematis with jute and put more water on the new plantings. We were done...and tired already and it was only early morning. Many trips back and forth do us in.We have to make all the trips because.. we are forgetful...should make a list and do better planning before starting out. Coming up to the house I reminded Joe to dig some of the Aster plant for our neighbor, Kelly. She said that she would like to have a start for her yard. We got to the house he dug the plant and then went in to eat oatmeal for breakfast. We changed our clothes and left for the Stillman Nursery, where Joe has some trees ordered for the Grotto. We were greeted with hugs and Ginny and I walked the path to the trees...Joe followed in the car. It was such a good feeling...to be out on a sunny morning, looking at trees, visiting with a couple from Church and just soaking up the sunshine. That's when I spotted it...a Sunshine Forsythia, just waiting there for me. It was all in bloom and small enough that I could handle it. I asked Ginny for a sold tag and went out to put it on the bush. I am going back with my car to pick it up this afternoon. I have just the spot for it. A touch of yellow sunshine for the woods border. Now I am finished buying....all I have to do is sit back and enjoy.
Balisha...I have not bought a single thing this Spring! I need to get busy before the REAL heat sets in. It's in the 80's here today and reminds us that Summer is on it's way. How I dread it. Thank heavens for air conditioning.
Your bush sounds like it is going to really add to your garden. By the wooded area..right? I have in my mind the photo's of your sweeping back yard down to the woods..and your garden area there.
I am so pleased that you are feeling like yourself. So am I...and it's wonderful. Just wonderful! Are we having a fantastic year, or what?? :) Should I knock on wood...or just keep the faith... I think I will do both!
Tomorrow is our Saturday morning treasure hunt.
Have a wonderful, cozy, terrific weekend! It will get warmer...and soon!
Love and hugs,
The forsythias around here are spectacular. Many years go by when they don't flower except for here and there. Finally a year where every single one is blooming from head to toe. Love it!
Spring is early this year in the northeast. Loving that, too. Good luck with your new forsythia baby and taking your husband out into the woods.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day...hoping your weekend is just as good.
It is so nice to have new things for the yard..especially something sunny yellow. I am going shopping tomorrow--can't wait!!
Hi Mona,
Glad you are feeling good now. We both have lots to be thankful for. Have fun this morning on your "treasure hunt"
Hi Elenka,
I have seen so many forsythias and always love them. When I saw that one sitting there...I knew that I had to have it.
Hi Pat,
I hope you have a wonderful weekend too. You are always so busy..take time to smell the posies.
Hi Linda,
Have fun shopping today.Yellow just pops, when you see it in a yard....be it tulips, forsythia, pansies...I really love what you've done with your backyard.
I really wish we lived closer to each other, I have so much in the flower beds that just needs thinned out and given away!!! WE have had record temps last week but it was really chilly yesterday and this morning. I am back working at the garden center and we were really busy today. But it feels so good to be back there!!! Than home to work in my own yard all afternoon!!! I love spring!!!Have a great week!
Hi Balisha, I love the redbuds and forsythia. They are both in bloom everywhere you look in Kentucky. I once took about six redbud trees out of the woods and tried to transplant them in my yard on the farm. Not one of them lived. I later heard they never live when you take them this way. I guess it is true. Yours is beautiful.
Hi Lynn and Judy,
Wish we all lived closer. What fun we'd have.Lynn, i don't know how you do all that you do. I think that I mentioned that my old neighbor brought several Redbud's from So. Illinois and transplanted them...they all survived. Maybe it was cooler here, when they transplanted them. You never know when you are transplanting something from one region to another.
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