I decided to put my blog into book form after so many people told me that I should do it. What would happen if our blogs just disappeared? In the beginning I wanted this to be a journal for just me, but it turned out to be much more. Family members are reading... I have told so many memories of my 72 yrs. It's a good way to "put things down" so that I can remember them too.

My surgery journal is there with Joe's comments, how my gardens have changed from year to year, my poetry and stories, and posts of get togethers with my family and friends and last but not least stories about our beloved pets. I think that it was Judy
http://southernlady64.wordpress.com/who first encouraged me to do this. Then Lynn at
http://lusarytole.blogspot.com/ made a sweet book of some of my poems as a gift, when I had surgery. The seed was planted and then after checking into it, I found that it was so easy to do. Just contacted this company
http://www.sharedbook.com/ online...It took me less than an hour to fill out the form. I picked out the cover and pictures, told them to publish both text and comments, and then all the other various questions had to be answered.

I hesitated about spending the money, but as Joe put it...it's irreplaceable, don't fret about spending the money, it's something that you will always have.Something that we can read together.

The book is divided into three volumes. After all, there are 971 pages. It would be a huge book if all in one volume. The cover is a soft cover, the pages are a very good quality paper...glossy, the pictures are just as they are on the blog. I really love it...I can just sit on the couch and thumb through it and see how I have changed or not in my writing style. Never Enough Time started out as something that I would occasionally update...but turned into a daily thing. It's part of my day now and I would miss it...and lastly, I have all of your wonderful comments to read and reread.
Balisha, you've done what I would love to do and you make it sound so easy. I began once and then for some reason, I remember what, I backed out and let it drop. I never followed through. I don't remember what it was that made me do that.
Anyway...thank you for taking me through it so I won't have to worry.
Oh..wait..I remember. In the selection of covers etc. they made a mistake and I became discouraged and just stopped midway through.
I can't do it if it is terribly expensive..but I don't remember it being that much.
Thanks for the post. I would love to have your experience and just do it!
More and more bloggers seem to be doing this. It's a wonderful idea and I'm glad you did it.
Balisha what a wonderful idea!!! I went to the site to check it out, how easy it will be to do. But I couldn't find out how to get the comments on there... Help!!! I just never thought I could make a book of my whole blog... You are just tooo smart!!! I LOVE IT!!! THANKS...
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