We were entertained yesterday by my grandson, Tyler. It was his first performance in a musical. The kids did a rendition of "Thoroughly Modern Millie." It is a musical that takes place in New York City in 1922. Tyler is 13 yrs old and loves to sing. We have a karaoke machine and when he and his brother and sisters visit...they like to sing with my hubby. The first time they sang here at our house, I was in the other room. All of a sudden, I heard this singing coming from the living room. They had a tambourine and maracas to accompany them. There was no shyness from any of them...they sang their hearts out. I love to see kids do this....not be shy, just let go. Well, Tyler was not shy today. He was one of the dancers and also sang. The costumes were very professional...flapper dresses for the girls. They must have had a great choreographer and director, because it went on with out a hitch. Surprising voices for kids that age. We enjoyed the performance and met Tyler outside the stage door when it was over. The kids were all with their families...having pictures taken....getting hugs....laughing and just having a good time. We were so glad that we went. We were so proud of Tyler. Don't you wonder sometimes what your grandchildren will be when they are grown?
How fun to watch your grandson perform!
How wonderful that he loves theater, I think it is great for children to get envolved in theater. They have such a good time,meeting new friends,learning, and it great for their self esteem. My daughters and I were in a play at an outdoor theater from 1990-1997, we will never forget how much fun we had, and the new friends we met... I am sure you were beeming the whole time you were there!!
Yeah, but I'm just wondering what my grandchildren will be, period! Even tho I'm old enuf....my ds is NOT ready for that!!
Must be nice!
It's amazing what kids can do. And, aren't we proud of them! I have no idea what our grandchildren will be when they grow up. We have one in college, and two graduate from high school this spring, but I still wonder where they will be led.
He probably has a great career ahead of him since he knows at such a young age what he likes to do and goes for it. I know you were very proud today. Yes, I do wonder what my grandson will grow up to be, too.
Hi everyone,
Grandkids are fun no matter what their interests are. We have 7 between us. They are all ages and all have different interests. Sometimes hard to keep up with.
If you don't have any Grandkids....just wait... we had none for so long and then our youngest married a girl with 2 little girls. Instant Grandparents.
I enjoyed your post about Lent. Lent is very special to me. Also, how wonderful that you watched your grandson perform. Our grandchildren are our immortality.
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