A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well, I was wrong. The computer didn't come yesterday...whew one more calm day here. We tracked it and Fed Ex picked it up and gave us yesterday as the date it would be delivered, but we both wondered how they would be able to get it here in one day...it was a mistake, so we will wait. We will be busy today anyway. I will have more time to get ready for this gift and I appreciate it.

We had snow during the night. Everything is so pristine again. I woke to the roar of snowplows and birdsong. I hear grumbles about how the snowplows put snow at the end of driveways, but what if they didn't come by? We would be grumbling then....so I am always happy to see them go by and give them a wave, to let them know I appreciate them getting up at the crack of dawn to do their job or sometimes working all night... while I am sleeping. They are appreciated.

My husband gets up on snowy mornings and puts on his cold weather gear. He looks like the abominable snowman. He has just had eye surgery and can't lift but can use the snowblower if he wears goggles. I help out doing the walk and porch. We have a small snowblower for that if we need it. I know it will be harder for him today (wish Mother Nature would be nice) so I will have a nice breakfast ready for him. He works so hard doing the little and big things to make our lives safe and easy. He is so appreciated.

My friendly little birds were out early jumping about on the feeder...trying to get the snow off their early morning meal. I always fill the feeders at night, when I hear that we will have snow. That way they can eat first thing on these cold days. I like to think that the little sparrows come first to make a path through the feeder... so the others would have an easier time. I'm sure that isn't true, but that is how my mind works.Then the cardinals come and the rest. Mr and Mrs. Cardinal arrived together today. They eat and hop into Blue, back to the feeders and so on. The little juncos are last. They clean up after the other birds and make things tidy. They stay with us all through the worst of the weather... cleaning and entertaining. They are appreciated.

We are tired of winter already...so much cold and snow. We do complain and say that we would like to live in a warmer climate. Our part of the world is so beautiful through all the seasons. We have something beautiful to look at each day in our neighborhood. We sometimes don't take care of our natural world the way we should. Someday, with the way things are going...we may not have what we have now. Our Lord gave us this beautiful gift and we should take care of it and appreciate what he did for us.

For now....I will go on this morning, helping where I can, making warm food for us to eat, going to Mass tonight and trying to create a peaceful environment here at home... wishing that people all over the world could have peace and calm. We hear all of the tragic news and see children being hurt and killed. Mother's tears for their children make me so sad. Think of what is going on in other parts of the world and appreciate what we have.

My computer was just delivered...here we go!


Margie's Musings said...

Oh wow! Good luck getting it going. I had to talk to someone in India when I bought mine.

Judy said...

You sound like me. So many things to be thankful for and appreciate. Sounds like you have a great hubby that can fix things and do stuff around the house and I know that is appreciated. My Bob is that way, too. I am ready for spring though. I am just not a winter person.

Balisha said...

So far so good...got it done without a hitch. I have to transfer lots of things, but the important stuff is done My blog and email HA HA!

Anonymous said...

It's always good to step back and count our blessings.