This is the day that my new computer is supposed to arrive. I know it will probably be a day of stress. Now don't get me wrong....I will love having a new computer and not having little "not enough memory things" popping up, having to wait eons for the thing to start up, and so many other inconveniences. The problem is the "installer" who can't wait for anything. No it may be a day of stress. The "installer" will be in my chair and I will be listening to him as he loses his cool. I can envision calls to tech hearing impaired husband will be trying his best to understand someone speaking quickly in a foreign language....hanging up and trying someone else. I don't know how things work in "computer world," I just like things to work right. He's in his element here in our computer room like I am in the kitchen. Mary commented on color in my post yesterday...there will be color today too....colorful language I fear. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well...hopefully it will all work right and I'll see you tomorrow.
Just an addition....a little bit ago, my washing machine broke. Doesn't that always happen? My "computer installer" got on the phone to a repair man and between the two of them, my hubby repaired the washer. He is really a handyman....and I thought I would need my chamomile tea.
Hi Balisha,
I could sense excitement in your post... Good to hear that you'll have a new computer. Last year, I planned to buy a laptop by December. But I have forgone the idea - I need to brace myself for the economic crisis... So, I will still be doing my surfing in internet cafes...
And oh, I smiled with what you wrote about agents talking in foreign language over the phone - they could be Indian or Filipino (like me)... :)
Hi Mark,
When my husband gets a tech support person, speaking in a foreign language...he and I both speak to that hearing is sharp, so I sort of translate for him. We are comical in the computer room. I'm sure it is hard for the tech support person to deal with two old people like us.
Setting up a new computer is a stressful time for me too. Some glitch always comes up that you aren't prepared for. I will put up with little problems from the old computer just to avoid setting up and getting used to a new one. Good luck, hope the installation goes smoothly.
Hey Mark and Marnie...
Just thought I'd add this...the washing machine just broke...need I say more???
Washer is fixed! One down and one to go.
Good luck with the new puter ... did you ever imagine we would be able to communicate this way one day ? LOL .. I remember our little black and white tv with about a 9 inch screen.
Congrats on the new computer Balisha! Hopefully "The Installer" got everything worked out for you. :) My hubby is retired military and everything he was on deployment something would break. ;)
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