A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is There Anyone Like Me Out There?

We need a new rain gauge. Joe has been scurrying around to find one before the rainy days start. We are due to receive between 2 and 4 inches. He can't find the right one for him.....so he is off to Rockford to search at Menard's. We voted this morning and then came home to keep an eye on our bean soup. I think that damp chilly days are perfect for a hearty soup like this. I keep adding things to it as it cooks...my 7 qt slow cooker is filled to the brim......lots for the freezer. It all started with a couple bags of dried lima beans. I usually use small beans, but could only find the large ones.I put them to soak last night and by morning I heard Joe say "Whoa...that's a lot of beans." They plumped up so big that I had to find a different way of cooking them...and the slow cooker came to the rescue. It will take longer, but it will be worth it.

The house is damp...I just turned the heat  up a notch. I guess I could have put a sweater on. Speaking of sweaters ...I need to do my closet soon....wondering when it will warm up for good, so that I can wear lighter weight clothes. I need to shop for summer shirts, but I like to wait and see what I have from last year.I need tennis shoes too. When did Keds get so expensive? I love this brand and I've worn them for years. I used to buy white, black, and navy shoes...a new pair every year. I have trouble finding shoes to fit my feet and Keds have always been the ones I like.They get pretty worn by the end of the seasons.Now they are $50 a pair...and I need a couple of pairs this year. Didn't we just buy Keds for much less than this at discount stores? I usually buy a new pair and wear the old ones from the previous year in the garden. I didn't order them last year...so this is the year to buy. As I put clothes away for the summer...I find that I've only worn about 1/2 of them. Some things have just hung there all through the winter. I could really go through my clothes and donate many of them to a charity. I love comfy sweaters, worn flannel, and blue jeans that have softened from washing and drying. I've been searching for summer shirts that have elbow length sleeves (you know how women's arms get as they age) The 3/4 length ones are really too warm for summer...for me anyway. Well, it's time to do the closet and I will make decisions on what will go in the charity bags.

I like to put away some of the things that sit around gathering dust. I like a simpler house in the summer. Simpler looking and simpler to clean. The stacks of books, afghans and throws, candles, and knick knacks will be put away until fall when I try to cozy up the house for winter. Cleared  counters, tables and shelves make the house easier to take care of and the appearance of coolness...I think. As I move outdoors to gardens, porches, and lawns....I like to know that the house inside is tidy. I can't enjoy my time out in the outdoors...if there's a mess waiting inside. I like to be able to  drop everything and just go...if Joe wants to do something.

Meals lighten up too....not so many heavy sauces, roasts, thick soups and filling desserts. We start eating more fresh things...more salads, grilled meats, different vegetables...like tomatoes. Simple fruit desserts and ice creams find their way into our menus. Speaking of ice creams...I bought Popsicles yesterday. The clerk said, "Yea, Popsicle weather!" The ones I bought are Philly Swirl Sticks. They are wonderful...just the right size for a cool snack. I've always bought the Dole fruit bars....now I have a new one to enjoy. When I was a girl...a root beer Popsicle was my favorite. I could share it with someone else...because it could be broken in half. I will never grow up, I guess, I still enjoy a Popsicle. Joe likes ice cream bars...but I have never been a fan of that chocolate shell. I'm not even too crazy about ice cream...just chocolate and butter pecan.
This has grown into a post about what it takes to make me happy. Everything from elbow length shirts, reasonably priced Keds, soft...worn clothes, and Popsicles.

What are some of your favorites? What can't you live through the summer without? Is there anyone like me out there?


Blondie's Journal said...

We are very much alike, and since we live in the same state and climate, my routines are much like yours. I feel like I just packed up summer clothes to bring out the winter pieces and now I'm ready for some lighter tops. I like to wear the longer sleeve T shirts like you do and ones that are made well, not something that will shrink or get worn after a few washings. You might like Land's End, I go to their website. Everything is very well made and suited to we women over 50. They also carry great shoes, similar to Ked's. I used to wear those, too, long ago, but now I am a flip flop girl most of the time.

Your bean soup sounds good! Nice to freeze, too. I am making a pot roast. Yes, the days of heavier meals are coming to an end. And after all the spring cleaning I did months ago so I, too, could get outdoors guilt free, I've noticed my cupboards and linen closet have gotten all disorganized again! Hard to believe there were 6 of us here and now only 3. The work never seems to end!

Enjoy your ice cream. It's my big downfall...I love it all!


poppilinnstudios said...

I think I have to try the Philly Swirls! Actually, I'm more of an ice cream girl-but those look good!

JCDiTaranto said...

I found myself nodding in agreement to almost everything you said! I went through my spring/summer clothes the other day in anticipation of a couple of freak 80-degree days we're now experiencing. Just about everything I own is worn, soft and has at least elbow-length sleeves! Actually, I'm going to cut out popsicles and the like in order to fit back into those clothes!

Mitzi said...

I remember Popsicles too. My favorite was banana. We recently bought strawberry fruit bars. Very good-I will be trying your kind soon. We like to go for a drive and get ice cream. We generally get a baby cone and it is very satisfying.
I know what you mean about sleeves. Long gone are the sleeveless days for me. (darn)

Balisha said...

Hi Jane...I shop at Land's End quite a bit and also LL Bean. I find that money spent on a cheap t shirt is money wasted. My shirts from the two mentioned companies last forever..I have found some Crocs that I like. My daughter introduced me to them a while back. I keep a pair at the back door to slip on when I go out to the mailbox etc.Cupboards and drawers don't stay organized for long here either.
Have a nice evening...Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Lynn...I think you will like the different flavors of these popsicles. This company makes several different kinds of frozen treats..
Thanks for stopping by.

Balisha said...

Hi Jeanmarie...These popsicles are low calorie treats.As I just said in the previous comment...the company makes more that these particular treats. Our little store just carries these...I'll have to try another when I get to a bigger store.
Enjoy your warm days.

Balisha said...

Hi Mitzi,
I used to be almost skinny...never thought I'd have my relative's arms. Mine aren't that bad, but I never wear sleeveless anymore. Our first lady has made the sleeveless dress fashionable again.
Thanks for taking the time to comment...Balisha

Judy said...

I'm not fond of ice cream--if I do buy it, it is just plain Bryers Natural Vanilla, but I do so love a cherry popscicle!!! I also like fudgescicles, but I really don't buy either one. I too am cleaning out clothes that haven't been worn in a year AND I used to buy Keds for about 10.00--I too use the ones from last summer in the garden when I get a new pair. Yes--we are much alike--but I don't go thrift sale shopping--I got too much stuff now!!! LOL

debra @ homespun said...

I LOVE KEDS TOO! :) I go online ...there is a keds store and sometimes the older models are half price if that helps : )