I woke up early this morning and went in to uncover Tweety's cage. I looked all over the cage and then found her under her feeding dish. She had died during the night. You might think that it was only a bird, but she was so special to me. She didn't ever sing, but she made up for that in her sweet little chirps and little trills. We took such good care of her...she was in a corner with no drafts, her cage was cleaned everyday, fresh water twice a day, toys to entertain her, a music CD, and a nest to sit in. She laid three eggs while she lived with us. I read that this is hard on a bird, so I put a marble in her nest and she tried to hatch that. After the new year, she didn't lay eggs anymore. She just flitted around and chirped her happy chirp until yesterday. She wasn't acting normal. I put my hand in the cage and she didn't shy away from it. She let me hold her for the first time. I'm glad now that I did hold her...maybe she knew that she was loved. I'll miss her little antics and happy tweeting when she knew that her cage was going to be cleaned. Every morning she sat on her dish and chirped and chirped...as if to say, "Feed me first please."
Oh, Balisha I am so sorry. I know how much you cared about Tweety. Our pets really get into our hearts.
Always sad to lose a pet of any kind.
Oh, the sweet little bird! I am so, so sorry she is gone. Our canary didn't live long either. I wonder if that is normal. I know you miss all her sweet little sounds. I know I would. I think I will Goggle canaries and see what I can find out about them.
Sorry you have lost your little canary. It was possible she was bound up with an egg that she couldn't lay. I think it can be a problem with female birds. I have a 15 year old male Dutch Blue Pied Lovebird. He only sings when he is going to sleep and has a very loud chirp. It sounds like you took excellent care of your little bird...I am sorry.
Balisha, I am so sorry.
I remember many years ago when I had a canary and also found her one morning in the bottom of the cage. She did sing and I missed her.
I am so sorry to hear about Tweety. I know you will miss her. I had one once and she did not live long either. I wonder what the lifespan is for a canary. So sorry..
Hi Balisha,
I had a few dear birds as a child and then one as an adult, all Parakeets. I seemed to be the one that was always finding them when they had pass on. It was very upsetting, so I know how you feel.
When my pets have passed away, including two dogs, I have found the best medicine is to offer a home to a new pet.
Well, I don't think that we will get another bird. It's too hard to deal with pets dying. I get so attached to creatures. I love the birds outside and they will have to be enough for me. Thankyou all for your kind comments.The lilfe span for a canary can be as long as 10 - 15 yrs.You wouldn't think that a little bird could make a difference in one's life. She just was so cute...Balisha
Welcome Jean, I don't think that you have commented before. So glad that you took the time to comment and tell me about your bird. Come again sometime...Balisha
Thank you Blisha. I just happened to stumble upon your blog like I do most and in reading you had lost your little bird I wanted to post. Birds of all sizes have different lifespans.I think mine has lived a long time for his species and considered an old man. Hang in there...its always hard to love a beloved pet. I would suggest if you enjoyed your canary so much is to get another and enjoy them. I will be back...thanks!
I'm so sorry Balisha. I had a parakeet when I was little named Tweety. Our pets are truly part of our family!
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