I'm sitting here watching some robins in my tree outside the window. I'm trying to type, but their antics are distracting me. There are three nice fat birds hopping around the yard and flying up in the Ash tree. They are so territorial...darting at one another...establishing their territory. The sun is shining and I'm so delighted to have our favorite spring and summer birds back.
Yesterday was beautiful, so I decided to get in the car and go shopping. I went to WalMart and besides picking up some groceries, I bought some things to make a new wreath for the porch. I was surprised at the price of some of the silk flowers....$8 a stem for some. I considered that for a short time...then remembered that the last couple of years the house finches have built their nests in my wreaths. They would totally destroy those $8 flowers, so I opted for some clusters of silk pansies. They were less than a dollar apiece. I thought that this would make up a pretty wreath. A grapevine wreath for the base, some green spaghnum moss and some green Spanish moss...a little raffia and those pansies. I took a look at the porch and decided that it was too early to get things ready for sitting. I'm so anxious...last year we hardly used the porch, because of the hot summer. I hope that we can use it more this year. I love sitting out there with my iced tea and reading...visiting with neighbors and entertaining little neighbor kids. It's a tiny porch, but we really enjoy it more than the deck in the back.
We had three fat morning doves on the deck railing for most of the day yesterday. For some reason we always have three. This happened last year too. Do you suppose that they are a family who have stayed together for a couple of years? I like to think that one of them is the child and he or she is looking out for the old parents. There I go again, making up stories about wild creatures and then making them like humans.
I did bring some spring into my decorating. I cleaned all the glass in the house and made it shine, polished the furniture in the dining room, tidied up the houseplants, put away the snowmen, and brought out some springy decorations. Today, I will do some chores and then find time to take a little walk around the yard. Maybe I'll pick up those branches and go back to the woods. I have to start out slowly now...and not get too wrapped up in the gardening. This body is old and it needs a couple of weeks to really get going. So easy going, Balisha...it will all get done...Patience!
Wow, Balisha, it sure is looking like spring around your place! I can imagine that you have spring fever. We still have snow. It will be another six weeks before I can really get into working outside.
Have fun, but do take it easy on that yard work.
Hi Zoey...this is just a garden with no snow. There are mounds of snow along the road and in different parts of the yard. I didn't do any yardwork today...I was coughing and it is still cold out there. Balisha
I have to tell you, I am "chomping at the bit" to get outside and start planting. I have been going in and out and filling up pots, planting more herbs because I am so excited I have some coming up in pots! I went to the grocery and Walmart today. Bought a big terra cotta flower pot. I buy flower pots every spring. I have a shed full and am out buying more.I don't need any but can't resist.
Hope you share some photos of your new wreaths when they're done Balisha. Bet they'll be pretty with those pansies!
I am right along with you.
Ready for Spring and it is beginning to appear.
Have a good day....
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