I planted orange Angelique tulip bulbs last fall. I just fell in love with this picture and had to have them...even though orange isn't my favorite color in the garden. I could have chosen the pink ones, but I couldn't take my eyes off of these beauties.

I checked outside this morning and the tulips have sprouted. I'm so excited...I hope they are all that I expect.

Yesterday was busy for us. I had an appointment at the Eye Doctor and was dreading it...sort of. I have the beginning of macular degeneration and a cataract starting. The doctor prescribed some special vitamins for the MD. They are like horse pills. She said for me to take good care of my eyes....take these vitamins, wear sunglasses, eat lots of spinach. I don't smoke, I take statins for cholesterol, I watch my weight, only one thing I have to watch...eating foods high in fat and sugar. My Mom had this disease and at the end of her life...she was blind, so I know first hand how serious this is. I'll do anything to keep my eyesight. My eyes are so important in everything I love to do. Reading, painting, TV, movies, knitting, blogging, just seeing everyday things...seeing my family etc. She gave me a warning and I am heeding it.
I had a hair appointment today and then went to a nearby town to check out a restaurant for Joe and I to celebrate his 75th birthday. It's on the 22nd. I'm treating him to the Coronado Theater tomorrow night to see Willie Nelson. We're both looking forward to that.
I've been watching the news the last couple of days and I feel such sorrow for the people of Japan. It's just heartbreaking....So hard to watch, but I think we feel more a part of caring for them by watching. Our Church prayed for Japan Saturday night. I would imagine Churches all over the world prayed for the same thing at the same time. I heard on the radio today...be careful if you donate to this concern. There are so many scams out there. Be sure you donate to a reputable organization.
Well, have a nice evening everybody...and thank God for your blessings.
I can't wait to see pictures of your tulips. I bet they are really pretty. I want you to know that Willie Nelson is one of my very favorite singers and Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain one of my very favorite songs. I have been a fan of his since the first time I ever heard him sing. My son brought TW down to see me tonight. He cried and did not want to go home. Broke my heart. He is coming back Saturday to spend the night with me but he doesn't understand that. He just wanted to stay tonight. lol.
Those tulips are beautiful, love that color. Just starting to see them peek out for me as well. Happy to have found your blog!
The tulips in the photo are gorgeous...I'm sure the ones you planted will be just as lovely. Your gardens always look wonderful.
My friend, Juanita has macular degeneration and I took her to Wichita to see a specialist specialist who used a drug that is for colon cancer on her eyes. It arrested her macular degeneration. That has been several years ago. She has not lost all her eyesight and she is 89. Ask your specialist about it. It works!!
Margie...There are two types of MD. I have the type that drugs won't help.I've read about that medication helping some people, but it won't help my type.
Hi Judy..We've heard that his concerts are really good and that he sings even after the show has ended.
Poor Tater...he really loves coming to be with his Grandma. Enjoy him this weekend.
Hi ONG...Glad to have you visit and leave a comment. I'll pay you a visit later today to see what you are up to in your garden.Have a great day...Balisha
Hi Pat...Thanks for the nice comment about my garden. I'm doing the best I can. I want so many new plants, but there is really not much room left in my yard, so I have to enjoy them in blog world.
The tulips will be so beautiful Balisha. I use to have them but they only bloomed for two years so I pulled them up.They are a pretty tulip. Take care of yourself.
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