For some people, it is not easy winding the clock forward by one hour as part of the daylight saving schedule. There are those who complain that daylight saving time affects their health, mood and body clocks, and that their sleeping patterns are out of synchronization.
Many people say that daylight saving time affects their sleeping patterns and body clocks. Drowsiness, headaches and additional stress are among the complaints given by those who feel negatively affected by daylight saving time.
A recent study found that incidences of heart attacks increased significantly for the first three week days after the transition to daylight saving time in the spring. In contrast, there were fewer incidences of heart attacks after the transition from daylight saving to standard time in the autumn. The study found that the most plausible explanation for the findings is the adverse effect of sleep deprivation on cardiovascular health.
Moreover, the study reported that transitions into daylight saving time could disrupt chronobiologic rhythms and influence the duration and quality of sleep, which lasts for many days after the shifts. According to the researchers, the study also provides a possible explanation for heart attacks most commonly occurring on Mondays. Another study, printed in Current Biology in 2007 and titled The Human Circadian Clock's Seasonal Adjustment Is Disrupted by Daylight Saving Time, indicates that the human circadian system does not adjust to daylight saving time and that its seasonal adaptation to the changing photo periods is disrupted by the introduction of summer time.
Many people say that daylight saving time affects their sleeping patterns and body clocks. Drowsiness, headaches and additional stress are among the complaints given by those who feel negatively affected by daylight saving time.
A recent study found that incidences of heart attacks increased significantly for the first three week days after the transition to daylight saving time in the spring. In contrast, there were fewer incidences of heart attacks after the transition from daylight saving to standard time in the autumn. The study found that the most plausible explanation for the findings is the adverse effect of sleep deprivation on cardiovascular health.
Moreover, the study reported that transitions into daylight saving time could disrupt chronobiologic rhythms and influence the duration and quality of sleep, which lasts for many days after the shifts. According to the researchers, the study also provides a possible explanation for heart attacks most commonly occurring on Mondays. Another study, printed in Current Biology in 2007 and titled The Human Circadian Clock's Seasonal Adjustment Is Disrupted by Daylight Saving Time, indicates that the human circadian system does not adjust to daylight saving time and that its seasonal adaptation to the changing photo periods is disrupted by the introduction of summer time.
I've never been affected too much by the change of our time. I wish we could just leave the clocks alone and not change at all. What would happen? Does time change affect you in any way?
I am with you I would prefer the clocks do not change. It was staying light longer in the day as it was which makes me happy. I love the summer nights that the light of the day lingers until after 8:PM We will now start our day in the dark like winter all over again.
I seem to be dragging this year with the time change. I slept later this morning and cannot seem to get moving. I did work in the yard yesterday and was worn out so that could be the reason, too. Interesting.
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