A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, February 21, 2011


I thought that I had patience, but this is ridiculous. I started these bulbs right after Christmas. I bought six for easy forcing in the house. I put three in dirt downstairs a couple of weeks ago. This is how far the ones in water have grown. At this rate, they should bloom about the time they are blooming outside :) The ones in the basement broke ground in just a couple of days and are starting to shoot up. I wanted that "little glimpse of heaven in February" like the advertisement told. I kept them in the darker basement area till the roots were two inches long and then brought them out into the light and warmer upstairs. I bought bulbs that were ready for forcing.....I thought. Well, we gardeners learn patience in our gardening...you'd think that I (in my 70's) would have all the patience in the world....but as I said in the beginning...this is ridiculous.


Lona said...

LOL! I know what you mean girl. I am for instant gratification myself. LOL!That's okay if you are impatient just never pray for it. Worst prayer of my life. LOL!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Balisha, join the club! I wouldn't have patience either..or rather I DON'T have patience. My flowers outside are having a Holiday! Blooming like crazy. Even the bulbs are in bloom. Some animal likes to sleep on my Lilies at night..and I am constantly out there straightening them up..but the recent rain has stopped outdoor snoozes on the sprouting bulbs, thank heavens.
Spring probably seems a long way away if you have snow..but it really isn't. Time seems to fly by anymore..
I say "the other day" this or that..and it's been MONTHS! :)
You have a definite head start on
Spring! Good for you!! California never knows what season it is...poor confused state that it is!

Barbee' said...

Disappointment is the most difficult thing for me to handle. Sorry you got such stubborn bulbs.

Anonymous said...

I totally see what you mean. I know you have to be disgusted with those bulbs! I hope you both are feeling much better by now. Take care.

Margie's Musings said...

I notice my bulbs in my flowerbeds are poking their heads through the ground. I hope spring is not far away. I am so sick of winter this year.

You will enjoy your bulbs when they finally decide to bloom.

Elenka said...

Such is life.