A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I took a little walk around my yard yesterday. It was only in the 30's, but I just had to get out and see what Mother Nature had been up to. My first stop was the small garden by the front porch. I checked the rose bushes, and I didn't see anything that looked alive...yet...patience, Balisha. I headed toward the north to the little Mary's Garden seeing my daffs peeking up from the earth all across the front of the house. I found twiggy branches lying on the ground...right where my new bulbs were planted last fall. Little fat sprigs of green were shooting up between the coils of the garden hose. I carefully moved the green hose over to one side, so the flowers could come up without being distorted. Moving around the corner I checked my clematis trellis. Just a little growth at the very bottom, reminding me that the first nice day, I had to cut these vines down to that new growth. I made a little promise to the clematis as I passed..."I'll be taking better care of you this year, to see if you will bloom with more flowers." I won't be planting any annuals in the yard, so these reliable beauties of my garden will get more care. Going down the slope on the north side of the house, I find little piles of white pine needles with green marker sticks poking up. I had forgotten all about these. My new, yet to bloom, pink and white Japanese anemones are planted here and mulched. I didn't disturb the mulch...I'll leave that till next time. I'm anxious to see under that mulch...I know they were nestled in all cozy for the protection that they needed this winter. The reliable old sage plant is still greenish gray, bending over from the wind. The center of it is greener...I wish I was making a turkey this weekend...I could put the leaves just under the skin of the bird, and make a pretty design...I'll keep this in mind for next week. I pass by the spot where my succulents in pots go....down to the northwest corner of the house. The pots are resting in the garage, along with the strawberry jar, for the winter. Soon, I will bring them out for the spring and summer. Once in a while I give them a handful of water, when I pass them in the garage. The back of the house will have to wait until this layer of fresh snow is gone. The first nice day, you will find me out tidying the gardens. I like to get the dead material, sticks and some of the leaves off these gardens, so it looks nice when things start to bloom. As I look out the window this morning, I see the snow falling, but there is a certain look about the out of doors today. It's different than the snowy days of past...there's a slight breath of spring in the air.....just a feeling. Our back yard was full of robins yesterday....probably 30-40. They were pecking the ground and taking a hop, pecking the ground and taking a hop...as robins do. When they left the blackbirds came and did their casual saunter picking up tasty things to eat. A white earred squirrel was on the bird feeder...I hadn't seen him before. When we were driving, I saw some blackbirds with their mouths full of leaf material...could they be building nests so soon? These are true signs that the seasons are changing. Soon, unpredictable March will be here and I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

March is just a few days away! Yea!!! I planted some herb seeds in a pot in my kitchen a couple weeks ago when we were talking about herbs. This morning I was running the vac and this pot is down by the floor. There are spindly little plants coming up!! I thought I was seeing things. I have never been able to grow herbs inside before. I don't even remember what I planted. I think chives, parsley and something else. I am all excited now to see what is does.

Sue said...

I heard birds chirping to one another this morning- maybe spring really IS on its way... Too bad the weather isn't reflecting it though. I long to see everyone's flowers, my green and lush lawn, and sunshine!