A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bringing Spring Up From the Basement

Tomorrow is March 1st and that day will end my grousing about winter. No more winter pictures...no more saying, "I'm looking at snow outside my window." Tomorrow starts the posting of the beauty of spring. How many pictures have I posted about winter...countless numbers. They once were beautiful...they will be put aside to make room for color. My wardrobe will change from drab to colorful...I ordered a purple coat for Easter. There is definitely a feeling of spring outside. People dash out to the mailboxes with just a sweater...where a few weeks ago...they would be bundled up. Kids playing are bareheaded...where a couple of weeks ago their faces were hidden inside hoods. More people walking by with their dogs...sniffing my mailbox and stopping for a minute :( The snowmobile across the street sits on the lawn..abandoned. Birds are everywhere. Geese and ducks are back on the river. I am getting tired of "comfort food." Tomorrow will be here soon. I have to get ready.I just went down to the basement and brought up my forced bulbs. I'll spend part of the day putting a few spring touches around the house. Whether March comes in like a lion or lamb...it won't matter to me. This lady is ready for a change....bring it on.


Lona said...

Sounds like a plan Balisha. Your hyacinths are just about there. It is nice to be able to step out the door without donning scarves, gloves and heavy coats which I hate because I cannot move in them. LOL! We had a stormy night but it has warmed up.

Barbara said...

Not quite spring here yet, it's cold and so much rain my garden is again flooded. Lots to do out there but it will have to wait a while. Have to keep to the paths in my local park otherwise mud, mud, mud but I can at least look forward to it when it does come and maybe savour yours in the meantime.

Balisha said...

Lona...glad the storms didn't do damage in your area.

Barbara...it's not quite spring here either.We can dream can't we?


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Balisha, I have never, ever tried to start any plants in the house...I wonder how they would do. Just some tiny pots that could be taken in...
I want to get some tomatoes started...I want a garden so badly.
Just a tiny one would be so nice.
Hope all is well with your family, Balisha.
Still have snow?
I see it from our family room on the distant mountains.
Balisha...say a tiny prayer for me? Bad EKG and left arm pain etc. I am scheduled to see a heart specialist on the 14th. On Nitro right now. My doctor thinks I've had a heart attack. I trust your prayers. I think you have an inside track with our Lord. :)
Hugs and love,

Carolyn ♥ said...

Let us know if it works!

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful here today. In the 50s and warmer tomorrow. I am like you. Bring it on! Bob and I went to the Peddlers Mall two towns away so I could get some sorghum. I can't find it here and this is good stuff from the Amish. It was a fun trip. I am ready to get out of the house and do some stuff.

Balisha said...

Hi Mona...Please take care. I'm thinking of you. We all can have an inside track with God, and it always helps to have lots of prayers going up.Please let me know how you make out with your Dr. appt.I have one question...why is he waiting until the 14th?

Balisha said...

Hi Caroline...I just visited your blog and noticed that the snow disappeared so quickly from your yard. When is the last frost date for your area? I don't know what zone you are in. I can imagine you have some beautiful views from your window. Have a great day...Balisha

Balisha said...

Hi Judy...so glad that you were able to get out. Didn't it feel good? I'm anxious to hear what you do with sorghum. Balisha