This is the time of year when we go outside and pull back the mulch and check to see what is going on underneath. We should keep the cover on our perennials, however. Looking at our gardens in the Springtime...we remember the trouble spots. The ones
where plants got carried away and the ones that didn't do so well ...can be seen now without leaves. I like to move perennials in the Spring...just before they break dormancy....get them situated and maybe I have to keep them watered more, but it gives me something to do. Looking at our gardens now we have an idea of how we want things to be. We see the naked plant and can remember how they looked last year. We can lop off some vines and branchy things with more conviction. When the plants were bushy and full, we might not have been as aggressive as we can be now. I have a garden on the side of the house that really needs some work. Iris and lilies are crowded and there are herbs and sedums in between. Hostas abound...This is where my pot was with the cherry tomato last year. This year I want two pots with tomatoes....one yellow and one red. Something has to go. I need to divide the iris, but I will wait for fall on this one. Most of the other things can be moved in the Spring. I guess that I will just put the two pots there and see what is in the way. I may put herbs in a hanging basket to hang on the deck just off the eating area.I could bring the pots in and hang them in the basement windows and see if they would do well. I found, last year, that I had to make a trip around the house everytime I needed a snip of parsley...and many times just reached for the jar of dried. I could mix the herbs in with my flower garden...we'll see...I have some decisions to make, but first things first. There's a lot of Spring left for me to look around and decide. I trimmed the honeysuckle and cut down some clematis vines the other day. I have more clematis to do, but today I have to finish my job in the basement. A tiny mouse and his family (who we caught early on this winter) made there home in our extra down comforter which was stored in a box in the basement. A big hole, was discovered with seeds and food filling it. The whole box, one that previously held a TV, was ransacked. A wonderful home for our mice. Why did they have to pick a very expensive place to live? I threw the comforter out (sadly)and now I am in the process of putting cloth things in plastic bins for storage. Joe and I combined our homes and have tons of these tablecloths, quilts, blankets, towels...you name it. I have been sorting and tossing. Now the job is done...everything washed and pressed and ready to store. What an icky job this has been. I have to go to the $ store and buy the bins today. Our basement is going to be so organized and emptied and just the things that we will use will be stored. I was going to paint the Adirondack chair...but now Joe has taken the job over...He will do a much better job that I. We'll be in the basement on this dreary rainy day.
So glad you came by,these spring jobs are getting started here to.
That is so neat about your Lillies.
I have a place that I want then to grow wild. Thanks for the idea.
Hi Balisha. Speaking of painting the Adirondack chairs. That is on my list too. I need to wait for better weather because mine are stored in the barn.
I was thinking of some bright color maybe blue or lavender this time. They have been white for so long. Then again, white is a nice color for outdoor furniture.
Hi Patsy...I just love those tiny lilies. I tend to like the smaller blooms. I think that they would just seed themselves and grow all over the place.
Marnie...The Adirondack will be white, but my metal chair in the flower bed will be a shade of purple.As they said at the paint store..."Go for it..."
This is a good time to get things in order. I worked all winter getting odd things done so when it warmed up I could concentrate on the outdoors.The warmer temps and sunshine gets me out to look things over after the snow melt. Seems so many sticks and limbs around everywhere to rake up after a bad winter. Time to plan those moves too. Painting is always one of those things that get done. Seems there is always something that needs repainted.
Have a good time in out of the rain arranging your basement.
I can hardly wait for a nice weekend to get out into the yard. Sadly, we have had nice weather during the week while I am at work and windy cold on Saturday. I am so anxious to get my hands into the dirt. I have so many plans for the yard this year.
I hate cleaning up after a mouse. We had one a few years ago that got into my chest in the dining room where my table linens and candles are kept and I had to throw so many things out. Such chaos from such a little creature.
Have a blessed day.
Do you still have any snow? We still have some, but not much. Usually we have a least a foot of snow on the ground, if not more.
I'm loving this.....
There's one house with daffodils up, albeit just a little.
First of all those mushrooms you made look wonderful and I love mushrooms. Your house and yard are beautiful, too, and I bet your basement is really organized! I envy you a basement and a work space for seedlings and such. It is raining here today but warm. My yard has a lot of sticks and leaves that need to be picked up. I could not find a 3 tiered hanging basket for herbs but bought 3 separate ones and will either hang them beside each other or see if I can put them together.
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