Wednesday morning found me wanting to do something "Springy." Joe was out of town and I had the day to myself. Whenever I find myself on my own...the first place I think of is a little greenhouse/gift shop in a nearby town. I got myself ready...hopped in my little red car and was on my way. The drive there is one of my favorites...driving along the Rock River, you never know what you will see. Geese, ducks,
opossums, and sometimes even a Bald Eagle. There is the river on one side and lots of woods going up the hills on the other.

This is Merlin's...a gift shop and greenhouse all in one. The front entrance was decorated with forsythia branches in pots and decorating the porch. So "springy."

A display of little chicks and ducks...all in yellow. I think that yellow is a favorite Spring color. Especially at Merlin's. I'm getting in the Spring mood. Anxious to get my little chicks and ducks out. I always have an Easter egg tree on the dining room table.

Here's yellow again in these tulips. The store has a wonderful scent, when you come in. Fresh spring smells. Soft music and people there to help...if they are needed.

Everything is displayed so nicely. They use a mixture of antique furniture and reproductions to display the gifts. I loved looking at all the pretties, but really wanted to get to the reason for my being there. Up some steps and a left turn took me into the warm and humid greenhouse full of Spring. It took my breath away. I've always loved stepping into a greenhouse in the winter. It's like another world. The plants are all perfect, because of the pampering they get. It makes me appreciate my plants more and when arriving back home...I find that I take better care of them.

Just look at the colors. Aisle upon aisle of things to look at and smell. Their way of displaying and arranging is sometimes unusual. They put things together that you would never think of. This greenhouse does the flowers for our Altar at Church. They can come up with something different every weekend. Customers can bring in their vase or pot and a beautiful arrangement will be created.

Cyclamens, hydrangeas, lilies, azaleas...they were all there waiting for me. I didn't want to leave, but I had other stops to make. I paid for my purchases and sadly made my way to the door. Outside the sun was shining and there was a new Spring in my step.I turned around for a last glimpse, bouquet in my hand, and knew that I would be back...when garden plants are for sale.
Doesn't it feel so good to be out and looking at pastel colors LOL! I love those shops and they always get the old creative juices going. I love those cyclamens! We are having a warm up and I will be glad to see some of the piles of snow melting. I am excited also because tomorrow I get to fill up on looking at flowers at the garden show and conservatory. LOL!
Thank you for letting me take this trip with you. I can smell the flowers, greenhouse and Spring.
I love shops like this. They sure lift the spirit as we await Spring.
Hi Balisha, It sounds like you really enjoyed your trip and all their stuff is so pretty in your pictures. I can't believe we are down to 16 days! It has been a long, cold winter. I had one of my blogs made into a book after seeing yours. It arrived this week and I was so pleased, I did a post on it, too. Thanks for the link to where you got yours done.
I felt great...just being out and not wearing layers. Have fun this weekend, Lona.
Hi Ernestine...So glad you could "come along" It's just a breath of Spring when you enter the door.
Hi Judy, Congratulations on making your blog into a book. You will really enjoy it. I left a comment on your blog today.
I love stores like that and this Saturday will find me on their doorstep. No problem with snow..but still...if I could have a drive like that to a little gift shop like that..I would be in heaven. No so pretty around here...but maybe this weekend we can find a place to drive to. Like... :) your house? tee hee..
Balisha..thanks for the comment on my scissors...and then there are my sewing scissors in my sewing box, a pair in my desk drawer, two pairs in my bathroom (I cut my own hair) a pair in Howards bathroom and several pairs in the garage hanging on a hook. What was I thinking when I began looking for a pair of scissors? No shortage in this household.
:) Hugs to you, Balisha,
Hey Mona...Come on over!
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