I spent the afternoon working in the yard. The weather was great and I had a lot to do. This trellis, a gift from my daughter, had dead clematis vines on it. I cut them to about a foot from the ground. I always cut them down in the Spring, before I see new growth. I did see some budding out though. This is how I do my clematis and they do well. The trellis was leaning back, so I put in those green metal supports. They will be covered with vines this summer.

Here is a picture of Sumac trees. They are in my woods and add fall color. I love their twisty trunks.

This is the Redbud Tree. It was very tiny...in a small pot, when I planted it a few years ago. Look how it has grown. It is my favorite tree...I think. There are swollen buds on all the branches.

A little ground heaving for this Nepeta. It is getting some small leaves and doesn't seem to mind being a bit out of the ground. Pretty blue flowers in the summer.

This obellisk is the first thing that I bought for the woods. I have had trouble getting anything to climb it. I just ordered a Sweet Autumn Clematis and will try to train it.

Here's a birdhouse with honeysuckle planted in front of it. I trimmed the honeysuckle...to keep it under control and soon there will be leaves on this one.

My lilac bush is growing by leaps and bounds. Just two years old and thriving. It has buds all over it.

Here's Saint Francis...looking kind of alone. We will have to wait for the spring bulbs to come up and then the hostas.

Now we come to the sign. Do you think that I should paint a new one? This one has weathered and has cracks and peeling paint. If I have time...I'll paint another one. This one lasted 6 yrs.

Well the afternoon in the woods was fun. I accomplished quite a bit. I was tired, when I came back up to the house. A good tired.
I'm going to try that with my Clematis....tomorrow! Thanks for the tip.
You were very industrious today! I wish that I had a real interest in gardening and that I could grow things, but alas, my thumb leans toward the color brown! So, I will have to garden vicariously through you and others like my green thumbed SIL, who will have lovely colored gardens within a few months! :-)
hugs, Sue
Hi Balisha, Bob and I worked in the yard yesterday, too. There is so much to do. My sister gave me two peony bushes and a mimosa tree. We went to her house and dug them up and replanted them here. I love redbuds. They are my favorite, too. I tried taking several out of the woods once and replanting but they did not live. Later, I heard it would not work to do that?? They are everywhere here in the spring of the year. It is supposed to be in the 50s here today. TW is coming to visit. I will take him outside to play.
I have been doing some of the same.
Have transplanted a number of things from other gardens. I love the anticipation of Spring. I have so much shade and it will be interesting to see what comes up.
I like the sign like it is. But then I like things when they looked weathered and are aging. I guess "like us".
Enjoy yourself.
Hi ladies,
Today it is in the 50's, but we had work to do inside.
My neighbor's Mom and Dad transplanted Red Buds in southern Illinois and brought them to our northern Illinois town. At one time, every Red Bud in the town was planted by them.
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