I'm up early this morning...before Joe. Went to the kitchen and started coffee then looked out the patio doors at birds feeding. Decided to put on Joe's boots and go out to feed them. Filled the feeder and came back to take leftover popcorn out for them to eat. I have read that they shouldn't have salt, but I hope that the squirrels will eat most of it. I'm thinking about my daughter in DC. A huge storm is making it's way to her town and 1-2 feet of snow is predicted. Just got an email from her...she said that they will close up four hours early today and she was looking forward to shoveling with her neighbors. I'm looking out my window and the trees are moving with a brisk wind. Snow is on it's way here too, but not much.
Yesterday, I painted on some watercolor paper with valentine colors. I painted some branches and put them in a vase on my table. Today I'm planning on cutting out small valentines and attaching them to the branches with red ribbon. Something to do (crafty) on a snowy day.
I love valentine's day. When I was a girl..the teacher would always pick someone to make the box to hold the valentines. Oh, how I wished she would pick me. All that red crepe paper, paste and paper doilies...I thought I could create a beautiful box. I was never picked. When I worked at my last job, in a gift shop...I used to decorate the windows. I decided to do windows with a school theme. We had all kinds of antiques on shelves ...high up, in the store. Old school desks etc. I ruffled crepe paper and put it around the perimeter of the windows and then set up an old fashioned school room, of sorts. Now was my chance to do a valentine box. There it sat in the window....people came in the store and said that that window brought back so many memories for them. I finally got to make a beautiful valentine box.
Well, I have to get going ....have to make breakfast and start on those valentines. We'll have leftover chicken noodle soup and pizza for lunch today. I won't have to cook...so the day is mine. I'll check in later and tell about my day.
I'm back...I went to town and visited the library and came home with books and a stack of magazines...all the new ones were there with garden covers and pretty valentine covers. I rented the movie, Amelia, and we are going to watch it tonight. A friend came over and gave me a wooden nesting box collection. She got them at Michael's and we each have a set. I will have to get my creative juices flowing and dream up something to use these for. We visited and solved the world's problems. Joe and I ate lunch, after she left, and here I am. I did my valentine tree and it will be on my blog tomorrow.
We are getting slammed here in Ohio today and tomorrow with that winter storm too. All the schools are closed or closing early. I guess winter is still showing us who is boss yet. LOL! Cannot wait to see your valentine tree.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Balisha
I really enjoyed your reminiscence about Valentine's Day when you were young. I can almost see the polished hallways in the old school building.
Hello Balisha,
What a wonderful start to your day. I loved Valentine's Day as a child too. I still love it as I am married to my Valentine :^)
We are getting mostly rain here for a change! I can't wait to see your tree and loved the story about the window. I would love to know what you think about the movie. I have it on my netflix list and am looking forward to seeing it. I saw Hilary Swank on Oprah and she said she actually got her pilot's license to make the movie. I always like the movies that are true stories, too.
Good morning Balisha! I'm glad you finally got to make that Valentine's box! Our Valentine's Day will be pretty low-key this year, as my husband is having surgery the next day. It's one of our favorite holidays though, and I'm sure we'll find a way to make it special.
I talked to my daughter in DC yesterday - it's kind of funny how the whole town shuts down with a little ;) snow. She said with about 1/2 of DC's residents coming from the south, folks don't know how to drive in snow there. Even with just a little bit of snow, there are always lots of traffic accidents. Makes me kind of glad she commutes by train instead of driving. She knows how to drive in the snow, but since so many others don't, I'm glad I don't have to worry about her being out on the road in the winter there.
Gotta love leftovers - I often make more (especially soup) than we can eat at one meal so we can enjoy the leftovers and the break from cooking.
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