In the dark days of winter I might not be out in the garden as much, but it's still there outside the windows I look out of all the time. It needs to include plants to brighten up the winter.From the windows I can see a lot of white. After experiencing last winter, I was determined to change things. I am always drawn to winter landscapes showing black trunked trees against a stark white snowy expanse.. with their shadows. I especially like to see red twigs popping out of the snow. Tall grasses that are neutral colors also take my eye. This year, I planted with winter in mind. I left the grasses along the woods border just for that reason. I got sick and had to have surgery, so had to depend on hubby to help in the yard. Before I knew it...he had weed whacked the grasses. I left the sedum Autumn Joy...we will watch to see how the snow treats these plants. We may get so much snow that they are buried, like last year. I have some large pots in the back. Very large pots - which means they're not easily portable, I wish they were movable enough to be brought to this part of the garden, near the windows of the house. I would have planted them with colorful things to keep spirits up over the dark days of winter. We have a fence line of Colorado Blue Spruces in our neighbor's yard and we have several huge fir and spruces in our yard. I love to see a Blue Spruce with just a red cardinal on a branch. The birds bring color to my yard. I left the bird houses up and those are another thing that will add interest to my yard. Snow piled on their roofs, icicles hanging from their perch, and maybe a bird landing on the top of the house...checking it out for spring. Well, I am ready for winter. Everything is done outside. Now we will settle in and see what Mother Nature has in store for us.
I hope Mother Nature is gentle this year. :) I do love winter-scapes.
Nancy...we have that in common. I am always drawn to winter pictures. Have a nice weekend.
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