I remember Sundays when I was a small girl. This was before my brother was born, 13 yrs later. Sunday was a day when we went to Church and sometimes my Mom would stay home and make a big dinner and just Dad and I would go. We usually had a pot roast or roast chicken. She put a meal on the table like no other. Many, many side dishes...always a salad, jello, veggies of all kinds, mashed potatoes, relishes and hot rolls. Pie was usually the dessert. She would sit in the evening, while listening to the radio, going through her recipes finding just the right thing for Sunday dinner. We all groaned after eating at her table. I learned to eat everything growing up. Rutabaga, parsnips, squashes of all kinds. Those are still my favorites. Pie is my favorite dessert. I talked to my Brother the other day...he said, "Can you make pie crust like Mom's?" He loves to cook and eats everything too. No fussy eaters at our house. After dinner we would get the dishes done and Mom and my Grandma would go to our sun porch and Grandma would sit at the piano and play music..... mostly hymns. She was a Methodist and sang in the Church choir for years. My Mom was an accomplished pianist. She studied piano in Chicago after graduating from high school. She only played for her family, however. We sang hymns and other songs on Sunday get togethers. It was usually only the women in the family who did this. The men were visiting in another room...reading the paper, listening to the radio and our music too. The hymn that was always at the end was, In The Garden. It was Grandma's favorite. They all cried when they heard these familiar strains. I always wondered...why does she play this...if it makes her so sad?The song has been played at all the funerals on my side of the family. Now it brings tears to our eyes, because we have all these family memories. Later in the day the women would go into the kitchen and bring out the leftovers and we would all eat some more. My favorite Sundays were the days when Grandma would make fritters or waffles for Sunday supper. I can't imagine eating so much, but somehow we managed.
Here is a little history about In The Garden...our favorite hymn.
'In The Garden 'was written by C. Austin Miles in 1912, in response to a music publisher's commission. But even with this financial impulse at its inception, this hymn was nevertheless remarkably and spiritually inspired.
Miles left a written story of the visionary state that blessed him as he pondered what this new hymn should be. In his vision, he found himself in a garden with Mary, mother of Jesus, on the morning of His resurrection when she still thought He was in the tomb.
Upon regaining normal consciousness, Miles wrote the words immediately and set them to music the very same day.
This beloved hymn has taken on great power to ease pain for many, and even more so when the vision at its 'birth' is appreciated.
Many who have lost a loved one take comfort in the spiritual potency and promise expressed in these beloved stanzas.
Even those who do not consider themselves to be religious are often powerfully moved by hearing this hymn - a testimony to its spiritually inspired origin.
Miles left a written story of the visionary state that blessed him as he pondered what this new hymn should be. In his vision, he found himself in a garden with Mary, mother of Jesus, on the morning of His resurrection when she still thought He was in the tomb.
Upon regaining normal consciousness, Miles wrote the words immediately and set them to music the very same day.
This beloved hymn has taken on great power to ease pain for many, and even more so when the vision at its 'birth' is appreciated.
Many who have lost a loved one take comfort in the spiritual potency and promise expressed in these beloved stanzas.
Even those who do not consider themselves to be religious are often powerfully moved by hearing this hymn - a testimony to its spiritually inspired origin.
These days in my childhood are just memories now, but will never be forgotten. I hope that my kids have memories that stay with them long after I'm gone.
Balisha, what a wonderful, nostalgic piece you've written. It reminds me so much of Sundays when I was young and even after I was first married. 'In the Garden' has also been a popular funeral hymn in our family as well, particularly on my [ex]husband's side -- it's a beautiful piece of music, but yes, very sad. I love your remembrances of your Sundays; how times have changed. The whole family dinner thing has changed, for the most part, I think. And this is unfortunate to the extreme. Sometimes circumstances preclude these wonderful gatherings, but I certainly do miss them. I remember as a little girl how "entertaining" it used to be to just listen to the adults' conversations -- I was an only child and used to amusing myself. :) I hope my two little girls overheard some wonderful conversations when they were little, too. Beautiful post.
Hi Nancy...I was an only child till I was going on 14. I remember listening to the adult conversations too.Sometimes they would forget I was there...quiet as a mouse playing with paper dolls and listening. My Mom would say sometimes, "Why don't you go out and play?" when she was visiting with her friends.I'm going to write a post on these conversations...my husband grew up in an Italian family and he has stories...so cute. Happy Easter to you and yours.
Balisha, I just love going down memory lane with you.Brings back memories of my childhood also.We use to always have big family dinners on Sundays also.My how times have changed.
I ran across a posting one day of with a picture of a hankie with coins tied in it and I had to laugh because I remembered taking my offering money to church on Sunday's tied in a hankie when I was a little girl. The things I have forgotten over the years are amazing :) Thanks for your stories.
The carvings are so wonderful. What a God given talent this carver has.
Oh, I love reading about your childhood stories. I can just see them, the people, that is... and the food and rooms. And, yes, it brought back memories for me, too. Wonderful post!
Hi Balisha... You post reminded me of my grandmother from my father's side... She passed away years ago... I also learned many old songs from her... And she would usually bring me to church during Sundays... And praying the rosary was mandatory... I was through her that I learned to love praying.
Early today, my other grandmother, my mom's mother passed away... I wasn't close to her but I felt her love too, and she also sings old songs... :)
Hello Ladies,
so glad you liked reading my story about Sunday when I was a kid.
Thanks for the nice comments.
Hi Mark,
It seems that we have many of the same memories of our Grandmas.Mine taught me about prayer too. I remember her on her knees next to her bed at night.
I am sorry about your Grandma that just passed away. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you so much Balisha for the thoughts and prayers.... :)
Just beautiful! I cannot thank you enough for this lovely post and sharing your memories.
I am stepping out once again because of you. :) Thanks for your inspiration, Balisha.
The history of the song "In The Garden" was...it meant a lot to me as it was the music at Georgies funeral. Thank you for taking the time to research it.
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