We are fast approaching Holy Week in my Church. Lent is almost over. It has been a time of reflection, meditation and soon confession for me. We try to be more prayerful during Lent. This Lent has been like no other...because I have had so many people on my mind. I told my husband yesterday..."So many people, who are important to me, are struggling or hurting right now." A Grand daughter leaving the nest, her Mom losing her long time job, a friend and her husband facing medical challenges, a lifelong pal...my cousin....dealing with cancer, my teenage neighbor dealing with a spinal cord injury, and now yesterday a friend who's dog has pneumonia (a bloodhound who does search and rescue)All these matters have come up during Lent. I got to thinking of all the people who say, "Pray for me." Or we might say, "I'll keep you in my prayers." Do we really do this? Sometimes in everyday life we can have a sprinkling of a few quick prayers in the key parts of our days. These simple little prayers are heard and we notice the joy of suddenly having prayer in our day..... And we won't have to struggle to find the time it only takes a minute or two.
Yesterday was the first day really working out in my yard. It felt good to have the sun on my back. I was stooped over cutting down dried debris in my backyard garden. When this task was finished, I went back to the woods. My woods is just a very small area across the back of our property. I have planted so many wildflower seeds there and they are finally starting to fill in a bit. I have several religious statues there also....because of them my woods is a prayerful place for me. I quiet down, when I
work there. I feel the daily "grind" rolling off my back. I was on my knees picking up debris around St. Francis. I don't pray to him, but sometimes I find myself talking to him. In Catholicism we believe in a connection between all members of the Church, the living members of God’s family, those living here and those living in heaven — called “the communion of saints”. Catholics believe that the heavenly
members of the Church, the saints care about what happens to us little folk here on earth. Why shouldn't’t they? They were all people of great love. And they, as holy people, share in God’s love for his Church.
Yesterday the woods was full of bird song, new plants coming up, trees budding out, tiny creatures who live there, and peace. It is my spot to meditate. Do you have a place of peace for yourself?
members of the Church, the saints care about what happens to us little folk here on earth. Why shouldn't’t they? They were all people of great love. And they, as holy people, share in God’s love for his Church.
Yesterday the woods was full of bird song, new plants coming up, trees budding out, tiny creatures who live there, and peace. It is my spot to meditate. Do you have a place of peace for yourself?
Balisha, your post is beautiful! I understand the feeling. For 2 or 3 years I have thought of a similar post for this time of year, but I just haven't gotten it into words, yet. I pray as I go through my day until I fall asleep at night; it is a wonderful feeling, that presence accompanying me. You remind me of Conrad Hilton's mother, a very religious woman, who in later years felt the burden of prayer getting larger and heavier as the circle of family and friends, and their problems and needs, grew. She appealed to the family that she needed someone to help her with the praying. I have thought of her often as I felt the amount of prayer that was needed was getting beyond my powers. I read about her in his book: Be My Guest by Conrad Hilton. I have a paperback copy. If you would like to have it, send me an e-mail message to: bees dot garden at yahoo dot com
I will need your mailing address.
I love your woods at the back of your property. I like to sit on my back patio by myself early in the morning sun and just feel the sun on my skin. (I need to get my 20 mins.of vitamin D) I think we all need some "alone" time!
I can see why that is your calming place it is beautiful. I would love to have woods like that in my back yard. I can just imagine the lightning bugs lighting up those trees on a clear night.
I will pray for all close to you in need tonight, It is such a tough time for so many.
I can't beleive Easter is next week. I am so not ready...
Take care and don't work to hard!!!
yes..I do have a place of peace where I go. Yours sounds lovely and perfect for the dear gardner in you.
A most beautiful post, Balisha.
Many things of the same nature are going on around me. Sadness, my brother is in the hospital and I just got the call tonight. My sweet daughter is losing her home due to the economy and no work for her husband. My dear and best friend just lost her granddaughter and little year old grandson in a house fire. I pray for them and am there for them. I do not write about it. I wrote something last night..and then after I finished it..I pulled it.
I am so fearful of displeasing someone anymore that I am afraid I keep my posts very impersonal. I was inspired once again by your ability to be open and be yourself on yours. I thought when I began my blog..it would be different. That I could ..remember..go within..and for me..I am no longer sure that is possible. I respect what you have written.
What a beautiful post today Balisha. The garden is my place that I go to think & pray.
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for your (as usual) wonderful comments. This is such a special time of the year and we all celebrate it our way. May you all have a wonderful Easter..full of whatever new life and beauty.
Hi Baarbee,
I sent you an email...thanks
Balisha, your post truly spoke to my heart. Here in the city I sit on my porch or in the yard for quiet moments. But cannot hardly wait until I am in the country.
It is so quiet and peaceful and there will be a special place like yours for this One Woman.
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