With the arrival of Spring comes the arrival of the dreaded words ‘Spring cleaning,’ and with Spring being less than a day away, there is no doubt that these words have crossed your mind as thoughts of warmer weather, longer days and spending time outside are beginning to take shape.
If you have been counting down the days until Spring’s official arrival on March 20th, you may want to follow these steps so you can celebrate the arrival of Spring: This is taken from the internet.
Doormats: Give them some love in the form of a good sweeping and washing. Just think of how many times you’ve wiped your feet on them this winter alone.
Windows: Clean your windows with Windex and old newspaper, or you can try making your own solution of one part white vinegar and one part hot water and putting it in a spray bottle. Choose a time when the sun is not shining directly on windows to avoid streaking.
Dusting: Dust your entire home, including hard-to-reach places like the tops of the refrigerator, ceiling fans and window casings. While you’re at it, dust your books and shelves by taking everything off and wiping each book with a soft cloth. Always work from the top of the room down.
Clean carpets and upholstery: This can be as simple as vacuuming the carpet and walking the sofa cushions outside and gently beating them. But if there are stains, you should deep-clean them with a carpet shampooer.
Give the walls a bath: They may not look dirty, but dust and other grime are probably there and should be wiped away at least once a year. Use a sponge and a simple solution of water and dishwashing detergent to wipe down the wall in sections. Use a sponge mop to reach higher spots.
Or you can do like I am doing.....do just enough to get by as far as cleaning goes and sit on the porch with a cup of tea, a gardening magazine in my lap, a light March wind blowing, Laddie scratching at the door to come out, looking at the first fly of the season, trying to decide....pansies in the planter or petunias, watching the school bus go by, waving hello to the mailman, thinking about all the work to be done around the yard, and finally dreaming of the perfect garden with no Japanese Beetles this year!
If you have been counting down the days until Spring’s official arrival on March 20th, you may want to follow these steps so you can celebrate the arrival of Spring: This is taken from the internet.
Doormats: Give them some love in the form of a good sweeping and washing. Just think of how many times you’ve wiped your feet on them this winter alone.
Windows: Clean your windows with Windex and old newspaper, or you can try making your own solution of one part white vinegar and one part hot water and putting it in a spray bottle. Choose a time when the sun is not shining directly on windows to avoid streaking.
Dusting: Dust your entire home, including hard-to-reach places like the tops of the refrigerator, ceiling fans and window casings. While you’re at it, dust your books and shelves by taking everything off and wiping each book with a soft cloth. Always work from the top of the room down.
Clean carpets and upholstery: This can be as simple as vacuuming the carpet and walking the sofa cushions outside and gently beating them. But if there are stains, you should deep-clean them with a carpet shampooer.
Give the walls a bath: They may not look dirty, but dust and other grime are probably there and should be wiped away at least once a year. Use a sponge and a simple solution of water and dishwashing detergent to wipe down the wall in sections. Use a sponge mop to reach higher spots.
Or you can do like I am doing.....do just enough to get by as far as cleaning goes and sit on the porch with a cup of tea, a gardening magazine in my lap, a light March wind blowing, Laddie scratching at the door to come out, looking at the first fly of the season, trying to decide....pansies in the planter or petunias, watching the school bus go by, waving hello to the mailman, thinking about all the work to be done around the yard, and finally dreaming of the perfect garden with no Japanese Beetles this year!
Scooch over on that porch, Balisha and share a wee bit of your tea? Ahhh...now this is the way it should be in these retirement years. Just getting out a bit of Easter decorations..overwhelmed me. Too much "stuff"...
The tea is wonderful. Perfect. Thanks! And..the company is beyond compare. ~smiles~ What a beautiful day!
Always room for one more on my porch. I've been doing a bit of Easter decorating too. Do I hear a "wee bit" of an Irish lilt in your words still?
Sounds good to me!
I like your way much better, Balisha. I am totally and outdoors person and go crazy if I am shut up in the house for very long. I am "chompin at the bit" to get outside and start planting.
I seldom do any real deep cleaning. I vacuum and dust and do the bathrooms every week. But seldom do the ceiling fans or even wash the curtains. I have taken them down now and then and run them through the dryer on fresh air.
Just found your blog. Spring cleaning. Some birds have found my garden windows and pooped all over them, run into them then scratching the windows as they try to fly off. Do not look forward to cleaning that poop off. maybe April showers will rinse the stuff off. lol
I think I'll stick with you Balisha. The porch sounds like my cup of tea..lol
Hello Ladies,
Well it's spring officially. I do have to get out there now and get off the porch. It's cool today, but I will still work for a while.
Thanks for stopping by and reading. I hung a wreath on the front porch yesterday. The finches are flying at it as I write this. They will want to build a nest there...poop, feathers, twigs, you name it, will be all over the porch...I love birds, but sometimes they can cause so much work. Come again
I love your list and am well aware of it. Times in the past I did it.
Now just want to sit in the sun and reflect. Move over - can I sit with you?
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