"The year's at the spring, And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven— All's right with the world!"-
Robert Browning, The Year's at the Spring
Today is officially Spring. We have awakened from a deep winter sleep. Our bodies are eager and ready to get out in our gardens and bring everything to life. We all have wonderful plans....some will come into fruition and some will be put aside. No matter what happens... we will have a reason to get up with the birds, put on our gardening outfits, gather our tools and head for the garden. The first few days...we might feel a bit achy, but we know what to do for that. Rest in the evening, with a heating pad (maybe) and get a good night's sleep and then tomorrow do it all over again. We may have some more snow, but it won't last. The birds will welcome us with their wonderful songs, and the little critters in the woods will pop up and say, "Hi, wherever have you been?" This is my favorite season. Everything is new and we can start over. What treasures will we find, will we meet new neighbors, will the bluebirds come this year, how will our gardens grow? This is what we've been waiting for.....let's go!
Spring is my favourite season too! I can't wait to get out into the garden.
Hi Kate,
I always check your blog...to see if you have posted. Glad you're back.Thanks for the comment.
Happy Spring Balisha! A time of rebirth indeed .. I cleaned out my little rooftop growing area the other day when it was 60 degrees, today I woke up to the 20's .. lol .. but the days will grow longer and the temps will rise.
Hi Ohiomom,
I'm with you...too cool today. I didn't work out in the yard either. I've been fighting a cold and didn't think it would be too smart to work out there. Maybe you have shown your "little rooftop" garden, but I missed it. Would you describe how you do it.
Browning and Grandma Moses two of my favorite people. I loved that poem ever since childhood. And that painting is a perfect match. How clever of you to recognize putting the work of the two together!
Barbee...They are two of my favorites too. I have always loved Grandma Moses...her story and her paintings.
What a great intro into Springtime. Thanks Balisha! I went out and put in some flowers under the front window and I can't wait to see how they do. They sort of match the once in front of the porch..but have a bit of white added I noticed. HOW I love Spring. And...your picture by Grandma Moses!! Well, that is certainly the frosting on our first day of Spring cake! ~Smiling all over the place here!~
I take it that the flowers on the tushie never got painted? :) I hope you didn't mind me teasing you a bit.
Have a wonderful week, Balisha.
I find spring everywhere around the blog world today, except an The House in the Woods.......where winter is still strong :-)
I left a comment at your blog this morning.
Hi Britt,
I don't know very much about Norway, so I researched a little about spring in Norway this morning. I found a beautiful piece of music by Edward Grieg called "Spring" It accompanied a video of scenes from your beautiful country during this season. Spring is coming and you will have flowers and warm weather once again.You just have to wait a little longer than some. Have a nice weekend.
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