The 70's were fun years for me. We had 3 children. The oldest, Tim, was in high school as was his sister, LuAnn. John was the third...just a little guy of 5. Tim was busy with school, girls, first car, camping etc. LuAnn was busy too with school, sports, friends, baby sitting, and things that young girls do. John was busy with little boy things. He had a best friend, Beth, who he played with everyday. He loved for her to come and swim in his pool and play games in his room then stay for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and koolaid. Beth had a cat named Rocket and John had a Schnauzer mix dog named Scruffy (he called her Cubby) Cubby was a dog, found at the animal shelter, and purchased for $5. John's dad said, "That was the best $5 that I ever spent." Cubby was patient and gentle...a perfect dog for our family. The kids liked to dress her in John's underwear and send her out the door to run around the neighborhood. The neighbors were used to her being clothed and the dog didn't mind it at all. As time went on Beth, who was a little older than John, started playing with girls a little bit more. She could cross the street and play with Annie, who was her age. They would tell John that they were playing together and that he should go home. This made for a very sad little boy. He had boy playmates across the street, but Beth was his first friend and you know how that goes. His sadness was pulling at Mom's heartstrings. I would try to get him interested in other things. Helping me do things, going to another friend's house, trip to Ben Franklin or the library. Well, one day Beth was having Annie over for a tea party. John wasn't invited. He came home, chin on the ground, and sulked. Soon, he had a plan. He dressed Cubby in her underwear outfit and hitched her to his wagon. He had a radio flyer red wagon...and she loved to ride in it or pull it. John took hold of the handle and started down the block with his faithful cohort. The pulled into Beth's driveway and out jumped Cubby, still tied to the wagon. She careened around the drive and proceeded to the back of the drive. The tea party was in full swing...Beth, Annie and Rocket. Cubby had spotted that pesky cat and gave chase....tipping over the tea party. Of course the girls screamed and cried, "He ruined our tea party!' John got Cubby and the wagon together and came back up the walk to our house. I think he had a small smile on his face. I got a call from Beth's mom and told her we were sorry and made John apologize. That was really the start of the two kids going their own way a bit. John had his new best friend Todd and Beth still had Annie. John and Beth continued to be good friends all through school and even now in their 40's still email each other.
I was reminded of this when I was writing about tea. I couldn't forget the Topsy Turvy Tea Party. I also thought about how we Mom's always have our kids best interests at heart. We hurt when they hurt, and delight in their happiness. No matter how old they get...we still feel this way. We want the best for them...they have us for our lifetime.
Memories...in the corners of our minds...misty water colored memories..of the way we were.. :)
Can't you just ...pull them around you like a warm blanket at times?
Hi Balisha,
Amusing story. This made my day :)
Indeed mothers feel for their children, even when the kids have already grown and went to seek their own place under the sun...
I purposely did not tell my mother that I had an accident. I told her a day after I was discharged from the hospital. I feared that she might instantaneously decide to take the earliest plane flight from home to the city where I currently live, at the same time I want to spare her from crying. I thought wrong. She still cried, and asked why I didn't tell her at the onset of the accident. Ah, loving mothers - what would happen to the world without you? :)
...and we want to wrap them in cotton so they will never feel pain.
Funny how that doesn't change no matter how old they get isn't it ?
I could actually see (through your writing) that dog and wagon creating a very chaotic tea party ... LOL
What a beautiful post! We do, indeed, have them for a lifetime. You put that so perfectly. :) (I have two grown daughters, 29 and 25.)
Hi Mona, Mark, Ohiomom, and Nancy,
I can see we all know about Mom's...even you, Mark, trying to spare your Mom pain. It doesn't ever change.Our children are always in our thoughts and prayers.
I am just like all the rest. I hurt when they hurt and always will. I love the tea party story and am glad they are still friends. I can just picture that dog running around in underwear!
Dropping by to say hi. Took the day off and resting in bed.
Hi Judy,
I've read some stories about your kids and I know you are a loving Mom.
What a great story. The kids don't even know what effect they have on us...not until they have their own kids.
Dog in underwear, huh?? lol
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