A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


People Are Hungry...

Please Dig Deep in Your Pockets...

A Little One Smiles.
Our food pantries really need our help this year. It's not to late to make a donation or fill your food barrel at Church.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder! It's at this time of the year that we all need to think of others.

Judy said...

Thanks for reminding us Balisha. That picture makes me want to cry. The child looks so much like my grandson. I thank God every day for my blessings.

Balisha said...

You wouldn't think, by looking at our town, that we have a problem with hungry people. We do though and it really bothers me...especially at this time of the year. I can't stand the thought of someone not having enough food.There's no reason for it.

Roses and Lilacs said...

It's hard to even think of hungry children in our country. I took two boxes last week and may take more on my day off Wed.

Balisha said...

Hi Marnie,
Good for you. Whenever they have the 10 for $10 at our store, I add that to my groceries and put it in our Church barrel.It hardly makes a difference in my budget and can really help someone else.I put some things in for kids too. Candy,cookies etc...I figure that they get a lot of staples, but there are always children who want what the other kids have.