A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hope You Don't Mind, Barbee

Our friend Barbee from http://barbeeslog.blogspot.com/ took a fall the other day and told about it on her blog. You might want to go and read for yourself. She is the Botanical winner for best Kentucky blog. I wish her a speedy recovery and congrats on the award. Here's a little poem to make her chuckle.

Barbee's Tumble

Barbee...dear Barbee was out in the yard..

Doing some gardening that wasn't so hard.

Vertigo got her and her balance gave way..

Her body was limp as she started to sway.

She fell out of the flower bed and into the posies..

Across the yard she flew and it didn't look rosy.

Into the flower bed she tumbled and fell..

Everything reeled as she flailed pell mell.

She flattened the asters and then kissed the ground..

She hurt her poor nose and made not a sound.

Spraining her knee when she fell to the earth..

Walking like Chester right now on the turf.

We love you dear Barbee and want you to know..

We read your blog often and learn from it so.

Get well my dear friend and swallow your pride..

Your tumble is safe with me on your side.



Barbee' said...

Oh, Balisha, you are such a hoot!! I just had to read this aloud to my husband and will email your link to our son. He was the only one with me to see the show. On further thought, I think I will send it to the rest of the family members. I have never had a poem written for me before, what an honor! Now, I will run over to Blotanical and see if I can pick this post.

Barbee' said...

Me again, this is just too funny! I'm sure my secret is safe with you, and no one will ever know. LOL Mainly, I came back to thank you for the link love and mention of my blog. That's even better than a get well bouquet of flowers. Which is quite a bit. Thank you :)

2 Dogs said...

Good job as always!

I like your new banner. Your entire page looks so snugly warm and comfortable. Hugs

Balisha said...

Hey Barbee...No thanks are necessary. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to the emails telling me that you have posted.Have a nice weekend and take care of that knee.
((Hugs)) Balisha

Hi Patti,
Thankyou so much...glad you are over the surgery and on the road to recovery.
((HUGS)) Balisha