The children's book, Make Way for Ducklings" was one of the favorite books at our house. Make Way for Ducklings is a children's book written and illustrated by Robt. McCloskey. First published in 1941, the book tells the story of a pair of mallards who decide to raise their family on an island in the lagoon in Boston Public Gardens, a park in the center of Boston. I had a Make Way for Ducklings episode in my yard this past week. I heard a soft quacking and went to the patio doors and saw the mother and her 9 ducklings walking across the back yard. I think they were on their way to the little pond next door. Mom would quack quack...softly and the babies followed in a perfect line. I don't see this often in my yard, so I grabbed the camera and took a couple of pictures from up on the deck. They weren't too concerned about me and Mom led them under "Blue" our Spruce near the deck. There she was...Mom surrounded by her group. Four on one side and five on the other...all tucked in with only their little heads peaking out. It was a nice thing to watch. These little creatures behave so well....I'll bet there are lots of Moms who wish their little humans would do the same.
Yours is the second mother and baby ducks blog I've seen this week. Yesterday I was shocked to see a squirrel in the yard. We've lived here 10 years and that's the first one I've seen.
Awww...how sweet is that! ;)
The babies are soooo cute. All I ever see here are baby birds and bunnies...
I called the library today and reserved that book, A year on ladybug farm. I'm not much of a reader but if you said it is good I'm game...
Ducklings are so cute.How nice to see them in your yard.
How cool is that! Love the pics :)
LOL, you have to wonder what mom says with those quacks to get her ducklings to behave so perfectly. Darling photos.
It seems baby ducks pull at all our heartstrings. Little balls of down...who wouldn't love them?
My Mom & Dad have a pair of ducks that visit their yard every year. The babies are so cute!
They are just darling little things waddling behind momma.
How cute! It's been many years since I last saw ducks. It's a privilege for people like me who live in a crowded city to see one. Now I suddenly miss being in the countryside.
Balisha...that is the sweetest thing I have seen in a long time. My step daughter sent me some pictures from Maryland of a mother and her little ducklings too. Just so sweet.
There are times...I am just so glad to be able to visit you and see such things!
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