Here are my ideas with a little help from my friends.
Balisha's Garden Journal
DESCRIBE VISITS TO OTHER GARDENS- Friends gardens...garden walks...botanic gardens.
Record the date, garden's name or gardener's name-What flowers did you see?- Did you get ideas for your garden? Take pictures.
When friends and family visit your flower garden have them sign a visitor's guest page in your garden journal.-Record the date. Ask visitors to write comments about your garden! A friend of mine did this. She had friends names from years ago. This would be a good idea if you are young.
She also kept track of menus from dinners when her friends would visit. They signed the book after the meal. She could go way back and remember a good time with friends or family.
Reading RECORD
Keep a record of all the gardening books, magazines, gardening stories, and other reading material you have enjoyed reading to learn about gardening.-Note the name of the book and when you read it.-Keep track of ideas that you get from magazines. Cut out pictures and tape in the scrapbook.
PICTURES Take pictures of your garden at different times of the year; this is a great way to record how much your garden has grown, and to see how your garden looks from season to season.-Take a picture at the beginning, middle and end of each season. Than place them glue the pictures in order on journal pages to see how much your garden changes.-Take pictures of favorite flowers, insects, birds, wildlife, and anything else that catches your eye!We do so much of this in our blogs. We really have an online journal.
Garden Wish List..Keep a wish list page with lists of flowers to plant, or trade.This can be fun page about anything you dream for your garden! Then show the wish list to hubby and kids, so they have an easy time shopping for you. I guess one of my wishes would be a flower press.
COLLECT AND SAVE ITEMS FROM YOUR GARDEN Collect special items from your garden and keep in a storage area in your journal.-Flower petals; dry and save for crafts, or keep them in an envelope in your journal just because they are beautiful. Just make sure the petals or leaves are dried thoroughly first.-Save seeds from flowers to plant in your garden next spring.Place dried seed pods in envelopes and label with plant's name and date. Saving seeds is great way to be able to share with neighbors and friends who love to garden too! Keep flowers and herbs to press in a flower press.
These are all good ideas. I'm afraid that I haven't followed my own ideas. I have been doing pretty well with my garden blog and I do keep track of what I plant and ideas for the next year.
What a wonderful idea for a garden journal -- from paper bags! An idea that was possibly born of necessity and/or frugality back then. :) Perfect for tucking seeds packs and notes into. Thanks for the directions.
I love the paper bag journal. Lots of good ideas here, too. I love that picture of your grandson and his friend below. It was 75 here yesterday and back to 40 this morning! That's Kentucky weather!
Hi Nancy,
Isn't that the sweetest little book? I love old gardening things...books, garden tools, old fashioned plants. Guess I'm a sucker for old stuff...even people.
Wouldn't that be great for kids too. I love it, I think I will make one for the next door neighbors grand daughter. She loves to garden with us...
What a cute little journal. I used to keep a written garden diary of sorts but have gone to journaling on the computer only. It's very easy to cut and paste photos and descriptions from online catalogs onto MS Word pages and add whatever you like in the way of notes.
Still, there is always something to be said for a book or scrapbook that you can hold and touch.
I am going to make one of those bag journals for my daughter. She is going to have a garden this spring.
Hi Ladies,
I just thought it was unique. It was probably thought of way back, when ladies didn't have different ways of keeping notes. My friend's Mom's book was full of her little drawings too.
So many of the things you mention I have done in the past. Now everything is just simpler. 80 yesterday and now winter today.
You are amazing with all the entries and information in this blog.
That is just the coolest Balisha! What a wonderful keepsake, and just as wonderful is how lovingly its been preserved.
I've never been good at keeping a garden journal. I even bought one of those expensive Lee Valley ten-year garden journals and have been sporadic with it at best. For me blogging seems to be the best way to keep a garden journal.
I'm a sucker for old people and old stuff too! This post reminded me of my grandparents, who used to write letters to us on those rough, unbleached paper towels that were used in public restrooms in the '60's! I still have most of those letters.
We can learn a lot from grandparents in these tough economic times. They don't call them the greatest generation for nothing! :)
Hi Garden girl,
Aren't you lucky to have those notes from your grandparents. My Dad sent me letters when he was fighting during WW2. He was in Germany and I was 5. He used to send me illustrated letters.My Mom wasn't a saver and they are gone. I still remember them, however.He would draw little clotheslines on the envelope with clothes hanging.
What a creative idea. Can't wait to see yours when it's completed. Thanks for the instructions on how to put it together. ;)
Hi Racquel...I hadn't thought of making one,,,,but maybe I will.
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