A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas is in the Air

I started making the little hedgehog last night. I didn't have the right sized needles, so I had to order them and just got them yesterday.They are easy to do...so far. I love working on little projects like this. I want to use him for a pin cushion. Lots of little steps for a tiny little guy.He's only about 4 inches long. 

My eyes have been hurting from the glare of the snow out the window and also when I am outside (I wear sunglasses outside) I find that they burn when I do handwork too. Last night I moved from my regular chair over to the couch, where I have an Ott craft lamp. This kind of light is just perfect for doing my knitting.I have macular degeneration and it's getting worse. It's the kind that you can't treat with laser surgery. I've been to a retina specialist and was given some ideas on how to get along with this disease. I've got special vitamins to take and I have changed my diet to decrease fats and increase fruits and veggies. My mother had it too...it runs in families. I don't suppose it's good to do these little projects or to use the computer, but these are the things I love and I will do them until I can't.Everything I love to do involves my eyes....reading, painting, knitting, crafting, bird watching and many other things.... I can't list them all. If I were to give them up...I would live a very boring life. So, I just do what the Dr. says and get along the best I can.

It snowed last night. I was supposed to go to a Christmas brunch at 10 this morning quite a distance away.I would have to be leaving right about now.The snow plows are just plowing us out...so I'm going to have to miss this one.It's an annual  party given by some old friends. We always have a wonderful time and I look forward to seeing the beautifully decorated farm house. 

Well, Joe asked, "When's breakfast?" Guess I will go and get things started. 

Have a wonderful day today...Christmas is in the air...and so is the snow.



Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That hedgehog is adorable!

My mom has MD. She's been getting injections of some type that have made a big difference. First it was every month for almost a year. Now, it's every 3 months. I know there are different types of MD so I'm sure the treatments are different. Glad you're finding ways to manage it. My aunt just took the diagnoses and sat and felt sorry for herself. She has very poor eyesight now. Breaks my heart.

Snow glare is tough on everyone. Pretend you're a movie star and wear some stylish shades.

marlu said...

sorry you had to miss your brunch! Tell Joe whenever he's ready to place his order. LOL Just kidding with ya.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a cutie pie that hedgehog is!

I picked up my knitting needles again and started a project, but my left hand would start going numb. I tried again another day and the same thing, so I guess my knitting days are over. I think it's the tension, etc. of holding the needle.

I find I have to give my eyes a break now and then too. Not always easy.

Love and hugs to you dear Balisha ~ FlowerLady

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Balisha, I wanted to go to my youngest granddaughter's piano recital - could not make the 1 hour and 1/2 drive in pouring rain (but no snow) and balance issue still not good. Eyes are fine and we all have something at this age that is not what we would like it to be.
Stay warm...

Balisha said...

I know that we all have things going wrong as we age. I can deal with all the changes, because of my faith.

The injections are for wet macular D, I have the dry kind and injections won't help. I just have to reach a happy medium with what I want to do for pleasure.
Thanks for your comments this morning...Balisha

Sharon said...

Balisha, I applaud your positive attitude and the ways you find to keep doing the things that are important to you. Lots of snow is headed our way for tonight and tomorrow morning. We will wait it out, and when it stops Ken will snowblow the driveway. By then the plows will have the roads cleared so Ken can open up the end of the driveway and the mailbox, too. Sunday is the best day for a snowstorm ~

Judy said...

I really like "real" Hedgehogs and I love this little guy!! My grandson has one for a pet and he is fun to hold and pet. I am having trouble with my eyes too--my eyelids droop so much that I notice I am looking through slits--I need to stop then and open my eyes really wide to get them to focus. Also having trouble with numbness in my left arm and hand and the palsy in my right, but still keep on crocheting and cross stitching--like you say...we just keep doing what we love to do until we cannot do it any longer. This old age stuff is not too fun!!!

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

You can't STAB that cute little hedgehog with needles! He almost looks alive. The needles will hurt him, poor little guy.
I think you better name him and have him sit by a potted plant or something and then make a brother or sister for him. :) He's adorable.

I really like the Ott lights myself. I am so glad they were invented! :)

Claudia said...

I'm so sorry that you have to deal with macular degeneration, Balisha. I'm not comparing but I notice my eyes get tired more quickly and I definitely have to have the right light for handwork.

Love your hedgehog!
