A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Winter Doldrums

It's so hard to keep writing posts about things that just pop into my head. My head is getting empty :)
The winter has lasted so long and no warmth in sight. Everything is at a standstill. Even my houseplants look a little droopy...although my house is full of blooms. A poinsettia.. that won't stop, a cyclamen, a Christmas cactus that  has become so bored with winter....that it has decided to bloom again.The orchids are saying, "Ho hum." The books that I wanted to read have been read, the comfort food is not as appetizing as it was in Oct.My knitting is sitting in the basket waiting for me to pick it up. The quilts and throws are not so cozy...Oh, dear...those windows are dirty again.My comfy winter outfits look dowdy. Even my walk has changed.....slowed down....where is that spring in my step??
What can I do to change my mood? A trip to the grocery store to look for spring...maybe they have Easter lilies. Fannie Mae might have their chocolate eggs on display...yum. Maybe I'll bring some bunnies up from downstairs. I could change my garden window from it's Christmasy look and fill it with spring plants. I could refurbish my orchids planting material and freshen them up for spring.
In the meantime, out the window, a few snowflakes are falling. I am going to shut the blinds and pretend it's all green out there. I'll brew a bright cup of a springy tea and eat a shortbread cookie. I'll put on my painting shirt and go into the dining room and start to paint a couple of new things to hang on the wall. Maybe starting a new project will lift my spirits. Spring colors and flowers...that's what I need.


CraveCute said...

Oh I can relate, we are in the same predicament here in Minnesota. Still cold but the snow is melting. Wishing the weather would start to warm and those first sprigs of green would appear!

Christys Cottage Wildlife Garden said...

Hurray for spring colors and flowers!! Today I put away my winter decorations and brought out my spring decorations (I decorate for each season.) It was a very cold and dreary day, but the spring decorations sure made the house cheery!!

Blondie's Journal said...

It looks like you have a nice long list of things to keep you busy! I felt better after putting some spring decorations here and there. But yes, some of the things we looked forward to doing in the winter have gotten old. Let's keep our fingers crossed that spring is just around the corner.


debra @ homespun said...

I long for spring then I remind myself of grass cutting every few days ( that is, if any grass grows in all the mud that is here )

SO after thinking about cutting that grass I decide things aren't so bad after all , lol! :)

sweetbriardreams said...

I think the transition from winter to spring is so long in finally coming that we all get a bit low. I am using this time to just look for the buds, green shoots, birds nesting etc. And planning, lists and cleaning stuff in anticipation that I will soon be out there with so much work to do and moaning about the heat! (I can dream!). Take care. Chel

Barbee' said...

So that's what I have, Winter Doldrums! Sick, too, not over it yet, an inhaler helps. Read 5 books so far.