A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Favorite Thing for Saturday

A favorite thing coming up soon is our drive to see a yard full of blue Scilla.(Old World bulbous herbs of the lily family with narrow basal leaves and purple, blue, or white flowers),  It's a rather nondescript yard the rest of the year, but for one week out of the year...it is spectacular. I used to live in another town where there was a yard like this. Every spring would find me driving by to have a look. They tore the house down and bulldozed the lawn to make room for an office building. The flowers were gone. Imagine my surprise, when out for a drive a couple of years ago, finding this yard right here in our town. The flowers make up the whole lawn. Not much grass there for the rest of the year.Just imagine how many little bulbs are in this lawn. I don't think that they planted too many, but they have multiplied over the many years. Years ago, I had an idea to plant my front yard  in all native wild flowers. It was a smallish front yard and I had been looking at gardening magazines and got the idea. It would involve removing the grass that my husband had so diligently taken care of. I ran the idea by him...and he said, "No way." So, my idea never materialized.We lived in a pretty manicured neighborhood and the neighbors might not have liked my experiment anyway. I was glad later on, when I saw a couple of yards that had been planted in just flowers....some of the time they looked OK, but for the most part...they looked kind of messy. I stopped and talked to one of the gals and she said it's a lot more work than it looks like. So, now...living in a neighborhood with very manicured yards...I will have to be satisfied with just driving by and enjoying someone else's yard. By the way...the two yards in the other town have been re sodded and now are all grass.
This is my post for Favorite Things Saturday. Visit Claudia at http://mockingbirdhillcottage.com/ to check out other blogger's favorite things.


Claudia said...

That's a beautiful yard, Balisha! But it wouldn't be practical for me - too much grass. And increasing amounts of moss.

When I lived in California, some of my neighbors planted xeriscape yards - low maintenance and really beautiful.

Thanks so much for joining in this week!


Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

That is so pretty - have you ever seen the blue bonnets in central Texas? Similar, but even more amazing :-)

Babajeza said...

It's lovely!!!!! Enjoy as long as it lasts. Regula

Blondie's Journal said...

I would really enjoy seeing this, even if it were only for a week or so. Beautiful!

We had a house down the block with a front yard full of wildflowers. Everything was planted very randomly so it did take on a messy appearance. I have seen gorgeous pictures in gardening magazines where the flower beds are kept neat and they are planted according to height. With a little planning, it can be spectacular!


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

When I lived in the big city near childrena short time ago - the home I built in an old neighborhood had a very tiny front yard. I put an iron fence around it and filled with all different kinds of plants. Now when I drive by that home they have planted grass. All of those plants I had brought from here in the country.
Some I do not have now :( Would like this now but now grass surrounding this country cottage - there is too much...

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That is amazing. I have a small collection of scillia. They do multiply but a lot went in to get them all across the lawn this way. Wow.
There is a place in our town like this with tulips. It's a sight each spring. Grass the rest of the time.


What a beautiful yard and flowers! I love the spring season cause of the beautiful flowers. Thank you for your sweet and kind visit.

Sharon said...

I was glad to read this post. We have a small patch of grass on our property in the woods and I've wondered about planting wild flowers instead. My husband wants that little bit of grass to mow, though he never cared about the small yard where I worked so hard to grow grass when we lived in the city. There's really too much shade away from the house for much of anything to grow but trees.

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Oh my gosh, how lovely! So much fun to see all the blue.

More and more people are removing their lawns in Los Angeles and planting native plants --- I love the idea behind it (lowering water usage, etc.) which makes a lot of sense for us in our drought ridden area. But I do miss the lovely flowers!

Happy weekend!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

This would make me smile also!

Christys Cottage Wildlife Garden said...

This is so beautiful and I think the flowers being blue (which you don't see that often) makes it even more amazing! I've tried the wildflower thing in front of my fence. It's ok until the grass starts growing, then it looks really messy. However, I'm still trying to figure out how I can do this in this area.

Susan Freeman said...

Such a pretty and delicate flower!

Big Hugs,
Susan and Bentley

gardenbug said...

My friend lives in a rural area and she too has a scilla-filled area just like the one you shared with us.

Jillian's Bella Rosa Antiques said...

Ahhhh. Flowers. Love the sight of them after a long winter and yours is a sight for sore eyes! We just received snow last night....five days after the first day of spring!!!!!! I can be patient. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh Balisha, PLEASE bring me a yard full of blue scilla! You have no idea how much I'd love to see blue instead of white. And thanks for your comment on Cranberry Morning. You are so right - I took those photos of the icicles because they looked like stalactites and stalagmites and I am SO BORED with the snow! LOL

Diana LaMarre said...

Beautiful. It really does shout, spring!

Patty said...

Enjoy your blue Scilla Balisha. I can see why it is a favorite thing for you!

GardenOfDaisies said...

OOoh whole "carpet" of pretty blue flowers. Even if you don't do your entire yard in wildflowers, I bet you could plant a lovely cut flower garden that would look kinda like that. Happy planting!

debra @ homespun said...

How pretty all of those little blue flowers are!!!

Haworth said...

Oh, Balisha, what a beautiful sight that must be, just as Spring begins! I adore scilla and have been trying to make big patches of it here and there in my own garden. Have a lovely weekend.