For the past several weeks I have been keeping the names of people who comment on my daily posts. I painted a gift to give to the winner on the day of my 1000th post. Every day I have put these names first in a pitcher and then when the pitcher was full I moved them to a glass bowl.

1ooo posts has happened so quickly. It seems like only yesterday that I was starting to blog. As I've said's something I look forward to each day. I didn't mean for it to get so personal, that just automatically happened. When you tell about your daily can't help but get personal. I've made so many friends this way. When bad weather is in your area...I listen to the weather report and hope that you are OK. When you ask for prayers, I pray. When you have family crises...I send hugs and prayers. If you post something beautiful...I comment. If you post a recipe...I'll probably try it. If you suggest a book, I'll sometimes buy it or get it from the library. I come to all of you gardeners for gardening tips. Your beautiful pictures take me to places that I'll never visit. I just got back from the Chicago Garden Show and the Central Ohio Home and Garden Show...through reading your posts and drooling over your beautiful pictures. You have helped me in so many ways. Giving me something to do, when I am cooped up in the house because of weather or illness. Thank you all for being there.

As you can see the winner is Judy from Judy left a comment or two almost everyday. She has two blogs that I go to each day. She is a cook extraordinaire. Good down home cooking at it's best. For the prize I decided to paint a piece of slate and put a flower shop on it. What could be more appropriate for a gardening blog? It was a labor of love...knowing it would belong to one of my faithful readers. I wish that I could have painted one for each of you.

Here are two views of the prize. A closeup and a picture of the whole thing.

Well, Judy...It's all yours. Thankyou for reading and commenting and making my day once in a while. Please email me your address...and I'll put it in the mail.
Thanks again everyone...this was fun, maybe I'll do it again...only not wait for 2000.
Balisha :)
Hi Balisha, I am so excited! I cannot wait to see it. I love it, I love it, I love it, and am so happy and pleased to have something you made. I knew it would be something wonderful that I would love. I ran all day yesterday in the rain (it has poured here for days). I ran errands, had my hair cut, shopped, bought food for recipes and was totally exhausted when I got home. I was asleep by 8 p.m. last night, feeling cold, and kinda down from being so tired. This morning I had 20 e-mails I had not read. Yours just "Popped" when I saw the words, "You won". You have made my day, week, and month. Thank you so, so much. I enjoy all your posts, your friendship, and all the fun we have blogging. I will look forward to the mail everyday until I get your prize. My address is Judy Yeager, 321 Farmers Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601. Thanks again. I wish you could see how excited I am! Love and hugs, Judy
that is very nice.
Congratulations, Judy! And, Balisha, your painting is darling! Nice post. Your posts added up quickly, didn't they.
Congrats to Judy. I knew someone was going to win something pretty.I love the plaque Balshia.
Congrats to Judy. She is one of my favorite bloggers too. I am glad she won the prize!
Balisha, this is beautiful and Judy congratulations.
Is it alright if I am a little envious. Could picture this at my country cottage. Both of you have a great day...
Hi Judy...I will be putting the prize in the mail tomorrow. So glad that you won. I feel the same about you...Balisha
Thanks for your very nice comments.Like I said...I wish I could do one of these for each of you. You are all special to me. Balisha
How beauiful and how sweet. Your painting is just beautiful. Hope you have a great week, it is finally suppose to be nice here this week...
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