A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My New Wreath

I made a very simple wreath for the front of the house today. I posted before that I had priced silk flowers and they were out of sight in price. The place where I hang my wreaths, is a spot that the house finches love. It never fails...almost before my wreath is finished being hung...those little birds are sitting in the trees talking amongst themselves... about building a nest in my wreath. After I hang a wreath, I go into the house to put away the fishing line, scissors, and anything else I might have used to hang it. Maybe I will come out and look at it again...maybe take a picture. There will hang the tell tale debris from the center of the wreath. The house finches have started dragging all their precious nest building materials to my porch. I have tried to take the debris away, but they are such persistant birds, that they continue on. I really can't blame them. The wreath hangs on a sheltered porch, out of the elements. It is sturdy and makes for a safe place to raise their young. We are a quiet couple...with no little kids. They allow us to sit there and visit...if we are quiet.
So, this is why I don't hang a more expensive wreath. This one is a grapevine wreath embellished with curly Spanish moss, spaghnum moss, and pieces of my clematis vines...then I added some silk pansies. The pansies will be replaced with summery flowers later on....if the wreath survives. The weather is so cold...I haven't seen many birds with nesting material in their beaks. I hope April brings warmer weather, so my little friends will come and find a new home on my porch.



Bonnie said...

Love this post!

Bonnie said...
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Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

It is still the 30th but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday now as you are ahead of us by about three hours. Enjoy every single second of this day that belongs to you.
Your wreath is a most thoughtful one and lovely also. To think of the little birds and not be concerned that they love your home as their own...is so nice.

I wished you a Happy Birthday on my post for today also. You are a very dear blogging friend and I appreciate you. Just wanted you to know.

bj said...

Hello...I am bj and Mona sent me by to meet you. So glad she did.
I wanted to wish you a happy 74th birthday. I told Mona that I knew I would just love you because I love ANYone that's older than me!! I won't be 74 until next New Year's Eve. haahahhaaa...
I am signing up to follow you. Hope you will come by when you have time.
xo bj
By the way...I love your wreath.

Balisha said...

Hi Bonnie...I read your post today and found your pictures of the little house finches. Aren't they the cutest little birds?I'm going to follow your blog...Balisha

Mona, BJ and Jean...Thanks, so much for the birthday wishes.I love blogging...so many more Happy Birthdays...Hugs, Balisha

Barbee' said...

Aren't you nice to provide such a pretty home nesting place for the little feathered ones :)

Anonymous said...

Your wreath is so pretty. I love it. Hope your birthday was a good one. I wish it would go ahead and warm up. My yard needs mowing already but it is so cold out! My little squirrel without a tail is enjoying digging up the dirt in my flower pots. I wish I could get a picture but he won't let me!