Awhile back I didn't tell people when it was my birthday, but that was a few years ago. Now, in my middle 70's I find I have more to celebrate than just another year tacked on to my age. It's time to celebrate life...Getting to this age and feeling pretty good is a gift to be celebrated. Old age isn't so bad...we wait for this age, when we can do pretty much what we want. I feel so fortunate to be like this right now, when so many others are having health issues.So, I'll celebrate today in a simple way, and thank my lucky stars for this birthday :) Balisha
Happy Birthday sweet lady! I read about you at Mona's blog this morning and wanted to wish you a special day! HAVE FUN! CELEBRATE!!! ♥♥♥
Happy birthday Balisha!!!
Indeed, you are celebrating life... I can read it in your posts...
I wish and pray for continued good health for you and for Joe...
Have a grand day!!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Balisha! May it be filled with Family, Friends, Love and many flowers. Hugs.
Oh Sweetie, this Ozark Farm Chick just popped over from that beautiful Mona's place to give ya out a big old Hillbilly shout out....
Celebrate away girl and fill your day with love, laughter and heaps of cake!!! :o)
God bless ya from the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!
HAPPY 73rd BIRTHDAY, Balisha! You certainly do seem to have the right outlook and approach to life and with such a positive and grateful outlook, I'm sure this next year will be filled with many blessings!
I am one of Mona's followers. She, too, exudes all that is loving and positive and I always enjoy my visits with her!
Happy Birthday Balisha. May your day be special, filled with lots of love and happiness.
Happy birthday! I hope you will be in good health and happiness for more years to come. Your wreaths are beautiful and I really admire your look on life. It is a pleasure to find you and your blog.
I CANNOT believe I misread your age...I am an..well..very misinformed. Happy 73rd Birthday, Balisha.. :) The bad part is that I am older than you than I thought! That's terrible. LOL
Enjoy your day!
Hurray, for Balisha!
Thankyou all so much for the birthday greetings.This has been a great birthday due to my family, friends, and all of you blogging buddies..
HUGS Balisha
Happy, Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Balisha! I could not figure out if it was yesterday or today. Now, I know. lol. I am having bad computer troubles. I guess it is out of memory (Like me).Things keep showing up and then they disappear. I have ordered a new one. It should be here within the next week, so if I suddenly go away completely. Just know my old one forgot how to get over here. Hope your day was a great one.
Happy Birthday Balisha (a bit late) as I read about your special day on Mona's blog tonight. Enjoy the celebration all year long!
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