A Sentiment

God knew what He was doing when He sent a gentle breeze and brought a lovely butterfly to set my heart at ease. The happiness of your friendship and the gentleness of your words have touched my life in special ways and now I feel assured. Thank you for your loyalty and for reading everyday. I only hope you find things to make a happy day.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Keeping a Promise I Made to Myself

We both feel better this morning. How can you not feel better, when you look out the window and see the sun shining and the mountains of snow... melting in your yard? It even looks a little like early spring out there. I would imagine that little things are poking up through the soil to get a look and see if they want to emerge completely. I'm going to enjoy my garden so much more this year. We have just come through the worst winter and we have so much to look forward to.

I'm reading the best book right now. It's called "Gardening for a Lifetime" by Sydney Eddison. It's about gardening wiser as you grow older. She tells about scaling back while keeping some of the activities that we gardeners love to do. She starts the book by relating that it took many years for her garden to become so hard to manage. She goes on to tell how hard it is to keep the perennial border looking tidy throughout the seasons. Her gardens are much larger than mine, but I have the same thoughts.

I'm going to try to scale back this year. I have promised myself to not plant any annuals in the yard. Annuals are the needy ones, I have discovered. They need to be watered to give them a good start and then throughout the season of hot, hot weather. I had to haul that hose and buckets of water all through the summer. Last year, in the fall, I was absoulutely wiped out at the end of the growing season. I told a friend..."Remind me in the spring...not to plant in the yard...only in containers." I can control where the containers are placed, so watering is easier. I don't need reminding, however, I remember, all too well, last summer. It was the year that Joe had back surgery and he couldn't help me. I was basically on my own. I asked for help only once. I was bringing a big container around from the side. I wanted it in the front...near the hose. My neighbor was out...I wondered...should I ask him to help me move it? I had taked a lot of the soil out and put it in the barrow, so the job would be easier for him. He gladly hauled it to the front and proceeded to dump the soil on the ground near the container. I could have cried...I was so tired. Now I would have to put all that dirt back in the pot. This wouldn't be a problem, if I was younger, but it was a daunting task at the end of a busy gardening day. I should have just left it until the next day, but you know us Type A people...I had to have it done now. I'm keeping that episode in my mind as spring nods it's pretty head. I'm going to follow Sydney Eddison's advice and scale back...first by not planting annuals and then leaving things as they are in the yard. No new projects at this stage of my life. Just keeping what I have going...will be a project in itself.

So, now as I look out the window, I see that warm sun shining, a robin just went by the window, I see buds on trees, across the street a snowmobile sits on the grass, the birds are starting to chirp, and things are popping up in my garden. I hope that I can reign in the gardener that I used to be and be satisfied with what I can do in my later years. For today, I'm going to sit by the window and finish reading this wonderful book. It seems that it was written for me.


Barbee' said...

Oh, what a timely read! Balisha, you and I seem to be on the same track.

Balisha said...

I thought of you, Barbee, as I was reading this book.You have some things in common with this author. She tells about getting college students and other helpers to come and help out during the spring and fall.I think that you would like the book. Balisha

Lona said...

Glad to hear that you are both feeling better. These few warm days have been such a treat. Our snow has melted but some icy mounds are still hanging around. I had to get out into the yard to see if anything was greening up. Enjoy it while it lasts.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

I ordered this book and it arrived yesterday - Thank you for telling me about it...
I know my dream has come true about returning home. Now I am starting a new garden and a small veggie garden. I have always did more then I should. Hopefully I can scale back. I will need a little help in doing so much I did myself in the past.

Anonymous said...

When I was raking in the yard today, I would move a pile of leaves and there would be new sprigs of grass under there starting to come up. It was so green. I got a little more excited each time. Like you I am dreaming! I was planting cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. all morning in my head. lol. Have a good weekend. I am so glad you two are feeling better.

Gatsbys Gardens said...

You are right to take it easy. Annuals do require that extra watering and sometimes pruning care.

They are nice but not always necessary.


Barbee' said...

I just checked and our library does have the book and it is available. Husband was going to the library anyway, so he will pick it up for me. Will start reading it tonight. Thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to reading it.