I just wait until late fall when things die off and go back there with a weed whacker. I scratch the seeds in with a rake.....and voila..in the late Spring they bloom.
I would have gone behind the fence to photograph them, but those monster mosquitoes were out. I was jumping around like a mosquito on a hot frying pan...snapping pictures and then running for the house. (well maybe not running :) It's May and we have mosquitoes already! It seems that we just get our flowers planted and then try to enjoy them when buzzzzzzz those nasty things are buzzing around our heads. We haven't noticed them from the deck or the front porch, however. I hope that they just stay back there...I want to use my porches this year.
I'm sure that if I go back there this morning...they will be out, so I just have to enjoy these flowers from a safe distance...or wear some mosquito protection. I do hate the feeling of sprays on my skin and always feel like I have something harmful on me.
The honeysuckle is surrounding the birdhouses. I have this one and two red ones. The hummingbirds and butterflies love this plant. The little wrens like to jump on it and hop into their houses. They hide in the vines, when I come back to sit on my bench.
Oh, no, not the geraniums! Those pesky varmints. Your wild flowers look so pretty Balisha . I may have to try that on the area beyond my woodland bed. That would be terrific.I have noticed a lot of mosquitoes here also. The biting flies are the ones that I hate here. I get all red and swollen from them. Have a nice weekend.
They aren't up near the house yet. I put one of those scented geraniums on my front porch. The citronella variety. Maybe it will get huge and chase away the mosquitoes.
Love your flowers! I have a bag of seeds like that also. They came from the FIL of a friend of mine. Love to see them come up all wild and growing everywhere! Have a great weekend!
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