Rain rain go away...you've spoiled the plans I had today!!
I guess Mother Nature may be looking out for me. We have been working so hard the last few days and have just fallen into bed at night. I had planned to pick up the branches lying all over...under the River Birch today. What a mess those trees are, but their beauty makes up for it. It's raining...so I'll have to find something to do in the house. I cleaned yesterday, when it was sunny...could have done the outside job yesterday. I've been blog hopping and I have seen lots of Easter decorations coming out. When I cleaned the basement, I got my holiday things organized. I have some really cute Easter things. Bunnies, ducks, chickens etc. My birthday is near Easter and people always gave me little decorations for Easter. I love to put rabbits in my garden too. Audra comes over from next door and picks them up and puts them where she wants them.
I have to interrupt this...We have a cardinal fight going on out my window, while I am on the computer. Two male cardinals are swooping and diving at a robin. They are in the Ash tree and the robin is probably trying to make a nest somewhere in the yard. Such antics over choice property. My goodness...don't they see those trees next door? There are enough trees for everyone. The cardinals are sitting in the tree now and the robin is on the ground. Now a house finch enters the fray and the others go away. He probably has his eye on our front porch...wondering where he will put his nest this year. Joe put up new porch lights that are not suitable for finch nests and my wreath hasn't been hung up yet. The wreath was their spot for a nest last year.
Back to Easter plans...I think that I will go and get the Easter things out. I may call Audra tomorrow and see if she would like to help me put eggs on the outside tree. I'll be back later today. Have a great morning.
Hi Balisha, It is raining here today, too, and has rained the last few days. I think Tuesday is supposed to be our next pretty day. TW is coming to spend the night and he will want to go outside! I had so hoped it would be pretty because I have a new sandbox in the trunk of my car to be put together. Guess it will have to wait till next time. Thanks for the sites on the pots. Now I have a lot of ideas and can't decide which one I want to use. lol. I liked the tipsy pots and may try that, too. Hope you get your decorating done.
Daffodils still only about 3 inches high in my garden with no sign of buds. Everything about a month late after our such wet and cold weather.
Interesting how so many bloggers decorate for Easter and Spring etc. N ot soemthing I have ever done.
Flood watch in effect here today and tomorrow. I just want it to be spring with warm weather. I am trying to knit a pair of felted flip flops they are going to be so cute. It was out of my comfort zone as far as the pattern but I finished the first sole. I need to clean but I am going to finish the lining of a felted purse. Have a great day!!!
Balisha, same rain in my area.
Just caught up on reading some of your posts. Several times I go to comment and seems this "air card" does not cooperate. Love the beautiful buttercups. Also the mushroom recipe.
Take Care and hopefully the sun shines again "soon"
What a nice Saturday. No rain but we sure would have loved to have some.
I am doing the same thing..organizing my holiday decorations. I did get out to cartons yesterday and brought some in from the shed.
So far I have just stood and looked with no clue where to begin.
Can you believe we saw squirrels today while driving around town? And not far from us. I have never seen any around before. Racoons, kit fox, but nothing else. It was neat!
Yes, I had to smile about the birds fighting for territory! It's happening here also..but not with beautiful Cardinals!
I loved your picture of the bunny. So cute!
Good luck with your gardening, Balisha. And ..your decorating. Please be sure and take a few snaps of your decor. Oh..yes, and the eggs in the tree!:) Would love to see that!
It's never too early to put Easter decorations up....well, maybe December is a little early ;^)
Thanks to all of you for commenting.You made my day. Have a nice weekend.
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