Years ago I was in the crafts business. I looked for new ideas everywhere. I looked at seed packets and loved them. They gave me an idea. What could be cuter? I would put a bunny in them and sell them for Easter. The bunny is made out of a rough muslin...ears frayed and a painted face. He didn't have to have a body...just enough material to stuff into a tiny seed packet. I liked to pick up old doilies and linens at a bit of a doily around the top of the packet. I used gingham too. A little curly moss tucked in. An old rag rug was carefully taken apart and the rag strips were used for a handle. My friends and neighbors knew that I was making these and all kinds of people started saving seed packets for me.

I usually did a lot of these by hand. I would sit in the living room, at night, with my work in a basket next to me. I could visit with my husband and we would watch TV while I was working. Now I knit to keep my hands limber and busy. This bunny is hanging on a radio knob in our living room.

Here are some bunnies that I have made through the years. The little clay pots holding rabbits were a big seller. The rabbits are made from paper
mache. I used to cut the Courier News in strips and put wallpaper paste, the paper strips, and water in my food processor to make paper
mache. I wore out a food processor in a few years time. I was thrifty...not buying the ready made paper
mache. Also...I recycled. I made santas of all kinds, Easter bunnies, valentine pins, shamrocks you name it from paper mache.

I collect
snowbabies. My cousin gave me this's a bunny. I think it is so cute. Very appropriate for a cold Spring with snow in the air. I remember having pretty Spring clothes to wear to Church, when I was a girl, and then it would be cold and I'd have to wear those
dreadful snowpants.
Ughhh! When I was young...we always had a hat and gloves for Easter wear.

I made this little village in the 70's. I bought the kit at Lee Wards in
Elgin. I think it is balsa wood. I have kept it wrapped and in plastic. It wouldn't be Easter without this little village.The two beanie babies are a gift from a dear friend. I remember when she and I were searching and searching for these little cuties. I ended up giving mine to the grandkids..all but a few.

My mother-in-law made these for me. I have kept them for all these years. They have survived several moves. I have never liked clowns, but these guys have a special place in my heart.

Now the final bunny. I used old quilts that had holes in them for crafts at one time. I made all kinds of stuffed animals. I loved going to Church sales to find bedspreads and quilts that were no longer usable. I especially liked chenille bedspreads. The cutest teddy bears could be fashioned from them.

That's about it.....except for the goose on the front porch. She is out there greeting people in her Easter frock....I guess I should take pity on her and put her cap and sweater back on. Snow's in the forecast.
Good morning Balisha. You have such cute Easter crafts. Love your quilted bunny.Oh, I love your blue and white pitcher and bowl set.Gorgeous!
Wow these crafts are quite amazing. My wife makes handmade cards - she just might have to 'borrow' some of your ideas... I hope that's ok!
Your quilted bunny is quite something. I'm assuming you make and sell?
Thanks for sharing.
Thankyou both for your comments. I don't sell my crafts anymore, so your wife is quite welcome to copy any of them, Mr. Mansfield.I see that you're an English teacher. Oh, my...I'll have to watch my punctuation and spelling from now on.
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