A variety of evergreens work great for an embankment. So many of hillsides along the roadways are filled with junipers. Junipers cover the entire area well . We had a problem area out by the road... where our driveway starts. Snow was thrown here, in big piles, in the winter and snow plows and salt trucks caused damage. We planted Blue Rug Junipers. They are thriving with little care and are really beautiful. A neighbor down the road planted many, many, little Junipers along his embankment...I'll be watching to see how they grow. It will alleviate his having to mow that area.
Characteristics of Blue Rug Juniper Plants:
Foliage is a silvery-blue. It forms a dense, low mat (rug) -- making it an ideal groundcover. Height 4"-6", spread 5'-6'. Foliage turns a purplish-bronze in winter. Blue Rug spreads rapidly and is relatively resistant to some of the diseases that plague juniper shrubs. Incidentally, what look to be blue "berries" on junipers are technically cones. I used to fashion Christmas wreaths out of different kinds of evergreen material. A friend had lots of these Junipers and would bring cuttings from her trees. The little (blue berries) would make a nice addition to my wreaths.
Care for Blue Rug Juniper Plants:
No plant is "no-maintenance," but this one is certainly "low-maintenance." Groundcovers that flower require much more care. Space 4'-6' apart to form a dense enough mat to crowd out weeds. To aid their weed-control efforts prior to maturity, make sure they're well mulched (but don't pile up mulch over the plants' crowns). Don't allow fallen leaves and branches to smother young plants. Thin out mature plants for better air circulation, which well help avoid disease; but don't prune severely.
Foliage is a silvery-blue. It forms a dense, low mat (rug) -- making it an ideal groundcover. Height 4"-6", spread 5'-6'. Foliage turns a purplish-bronze in winter. Blue Rug spreads rapidly and is relatively resistant to some of the diseases that plague juniper shrubs. Incidentally, what look to be blue "berries" on junipers are technically cones. I used to fashion Christmas wreaths out of different kinds of evergreen material. A friend had lots of these Junipers and would bring cuttings from her trees. The little (blue berries) would make a nice addition to my wreaths.
Care for Blue Rug Juniper Plants:
No plant is "no-maintenance," but this one is certainly "low-maintenance." Groundcovers that flower require much more care. Space 4'-6' apart to form a dense enough mat to crowd out weeds. To aid their weed-control efforts prior to maturity, make sure they're well mulched (but don't pile up mulch over the plants' crowns). Don't allow fallen leaves and branches to smother young plants. Thin out mature plants for better air circulation, which well help avoid disease; but don't prune severely.
I think that a tree bank could be lovely with some big stones and these blue rugs planted with spring bulbs interspersed throughout. Daffodils and Scilla would be my choice.
Hi Balisha, Thank you so much for the advice on my question. I love this and now you have me all excited about planting this in front of my house. This is a very shaded area so I don't know if the daffodils would grow there but may give them a try, too. I did go to Lowe's yesterday and saw they have all their bulbs, seeds, etc. out already. Spring has to be right around the corner but we did get up to snow again this morning. It was only about 1/2 inch though. Things are looking up! You could definitely write an advice column for all us amateur gardeners.
Hi Judy...I think the daffs would do ok...though you could plant Siberian Squill ( a tiny blue flower) lily of the valley, or snow drops. Lots of bulbs will tolerate shade, because the trees aren't leafed out when they bloom.
Judy...I'm doing some reading on the Junipers. They say that they do well in full sun.My neighbor has them on a very shady slope and they are doing well. Maybe they grow slower in the shade...
Junipers are so often (where I live at least) seen as boring choices for the garden. I have used them to great effect in the (early) spring and fall garden, and I see from your picture you have too. My small planting is becoming a bit of a collection...I have even used them in containers, though they are not hardy for me in a pot.
Christine in Alaska
I do love the scilla and daffodils...waiting for the moment I see my little daffy's poking their heads up through the dirt...soon I hope.
Hi Balisha, I did some reading, too, and saw they needed full sun. There are huge trees across my front yard and it never gets any sun at all. Do you think they will work in full shade? I have a place in my side yard where I get sun. It is a ditch also. I may try starting them there and then try the front yard later. Thanks for all the good advice.
Found your blog while searching for pics of daffodils and scilla planted together. Thanks for posting the photo--I'm going out to plant them right now. Nice blog, btw. I'll be back when I get tired of digging!
I really appreciate the fact that you've made your own website and have actually publish your thoughts. I love your work and feel I can relate to what you've done. Lots of people can't even imagine having such talent. I hope that you know how lucky you are. :) Good luck to you in all your aspirations. :)
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